Replaces Header Support

The Oracle Communications Session Border Controller (OCSBC) supports the Replaces: header in SIP messages according to RFC 3891. The header, included within SIP INVITE messages, provides a mechanism to replace an existing early or established dialog with a different dialog. The different dialog can be used for services such as call parking, attended call transfer and various conferencing features.

The Replaces: header specifies the dialog to replace by containing the corresponding dialog identifier. The identifier includes the from tag, to tag, and call id. The orientation of endpoint-created tags, as from-tag and to-tag, matches each of the two dialogs for a standard call. For example, the Replaces: header from an endpoint that specifies assuming the dialog between the OCSBC and Bob-1 appears as follows:


The OCSBC validates the dialog identifier by matching an existing dialog, tries to install the new endpoint, and tries to remove the old endpoint by gracefully ending that dialog with a BYE. The replaces INVITE must come from an endpoint in the same realm as the endpoint it is replacing. If the UA sending the Replaces header is in a different realm as the original call leg (or indicates such architecture from a malformed Replaces: header), the OCSBC replies to the Replaces: endpoint with a 481 Missing Dialog. Refer to the following diagram for the standard scenario.

The OCSBC supporting the REPLACES header

Note that when the endpoints are in the same realm, you must enable the mm-in-realm parameter in realm-config or the OCSBC cannot generate the SDP for the 200 OK. Without the SDP, the call is unsuccessful.