Acme Packet SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib)

The following table describes the SNMP Get query names for the SIP MIB (ap-sip.mib).

The apSipMIBGeneralObjects object has the OID

SNMP GET Query Name Object ID: + Description
apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrations .1.1 Total number of registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces.
apSipSecInterfaceRegThreshold .1.2 The maximum threshold for registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces. If this threshold is exceeded, an alarm is raised.
apSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold .1.3 The threshold for registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces to clear an alarm.
apSipVideoCallsActive .2.1 Total number of Active Video Calls
apSipAudioCallsActive .2.2 Total number of Active Audio Calls
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalSuccess .3.1 Total successful SRVCC HO
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalFailed .3.2 Total failed SRVCC HO
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsAfterAnswer .3.3 Total calls subjected to SRVCC after answer
apSipSRVCCStatsAfterAnswerSuccess .3.4 Total successful SRVCC HO after answer
apSipSRVCCStatsAfterAnswerFailed .3.5 Total failed SRVCC HO after answer
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsDuringAlerting .3.6 Total calls subjected to SRVCC during alerting.
apSipSRVCCStatsDuringAlertingSuccess .3.7 Total successful SRVCC HO during alerting.
apSipSRVCCStatsDuringAlertingFailed .3.8 Total failed SRVCC HO during alerting.
apSipSRVCCStatsAtcfCancel .3.9 Total ATCF cancellations
apSipSRVCCStatsEmergencySuccess .3.10 Total successful SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
apSipSRVCCStatsEmergencyFailed .3.11 Total failed SRVCC HO for Emergency calls
apSipSRVCCStatsEatfCancel .3.12 Total EATF Cancellations
apSipSRVCCStatsTotalCallsDuringPreAlerting .3.13

Total calls subjected to SRVCC during pre-alerting

apSipSRVCCStatsDuringPreAlertingSuccess .3.14

Total successful SRVCC HO during pre-alerting

apSipSRVCCStatsDuringPreAlertingFailed .3.15

Total failed SRVCC HO during pre-alerting

Object group in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceRegObjectsGroup





(apSipObjectGroups 1)

Object group to monitor registrations for secondary SIP interfaces.
Object in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceTotalRegistrations

(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 1)

Total number of registration on all secondary SIP interfaces.
Object in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceRegThreshold

(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 2)

The max threshold for registrations on all secondary interfaces beyond which a trap is generated.
Object in ap-sip.mib apSipSecInterfaceClearThreshold

(apSipSecInterfaceObjects 3)

The threshold for registrations on all secondary SIP interfaces below which a clear trap is generated.