Starting a Local Packet Trace

You use the start a packet trace by entering the appropriate ACLI command with these pieces of information:

  • Network interface (name:subport ID combination)
  • (Optional) Enter a tcpdump command line within quotes

Note that the system supports local packet trace on all platforms.

  1. Enter the ACLI packet-trace local command followed by a Space. Type in the name and subport ID for the network interface followed by a Space, the IP address to be traced followed by a Space, the local port number followed by a Space, and then optionally the remote port number. Then press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# packet-trace local s0p0 "host"
    Files found in trace directory. Remove [y/n]?: y
    File: /opt/traces/s0p0_0_00001_20150723095442.pcap
    Packets: 5 Packets dropped: 0
    The ACLI session does not accept use input while the packet-trace local command is running.