Show rec

The show rec command displays the count of all metadata objects in sessions managed by the recording agent. These statistics include metadata monitored over an active period of time and over a lifetime period (where lifetime totals reflect from the last reboot of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to the present time). The following example shows the use of this command.

  1. Log into the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller as a User or Superuser.
    ACMEPACKET> enable
  2. Type show rec and press Enter to display the recording metadata statistics. The following output is an example of the show rec command.
    ACMEPACKET(enable)# show rec

    Show rec output

    Recording Agent Status        -- Period -- -------- Lifetime --------
                    Active    High   Total      Total  PerMax    High
    Rec Sessions         0       1       1          1       1       1
    Comm Groups          0       0       0          0       0       0
    Comm Sessions        0       1       1          1       1       1
    Media Streams        0       2       2          2       2       2
    Participants         0       2       2          2       2       2

    The following table describes the metadata objects in the show rec command output.

    Object Description
    Rec Sessions Number of recording sessions during an active period of time and over a lifetime period.
    Comm Groups Number of active communication session recording groups during an active period of time and over a lifetime period.
    Comm Sessions Number of active communication sessions during an active period of time and over a lifetime period.
    Media Streams Number of active media streams during an active period of time and over a lifetime period.
    Participants Total number of participants in session recordings during an active period of time and over a lifetime period.