
The following is an example filter configuration, filtering interesting events with a trigger window on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. These parameters perform filtering on a global basis.

Monitoring Enabled on a Global Basis

ACMEPACKET(sip-monitoring)# state enabled

Short-Session Configured

ACMEPACKET(interesting-events)# type short-session
ACMEPACKET(interesting-events)# trigger-threshold 2
ACMEPACKET(interesting-events)# trigger-timeout 60

Local-Rejection Configured

ACMEPACKET(interesting-events)# type local-rejection
ACMEPACKET(interesting-events)# trigger-threshold 1
ACMEPACKET(interesting-events)# trigger-timeout 0

Trigger-Window Configured

ACMEPACKET(sip-monitoring)# trigger-window 120

The configuration above has global SIP monitoring enabled and is set to capture interesting events that are short-session and local-rejection events.

Per the triggers for the short-session configuration, if 2 (trigger-threshold) short-session events occur in a window of 120 seconds (trigger-window), then monitoring is started. If no short-session events occur after 60 seconds (trigger-timeout), no monitoring is started.

Per the triggers for the local-rejection configuration, if more that 1 (trigger-threshold) local-rejection event occurs in a window of 120 seconds (trigger-window), then monitoring is started. The value of 0 (trigger-timeout) indicates that monitoring is always enabled for this event.