Global SA and Realm Filter Examples

The following are examples of global, session agent, and realm filters configured on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. These examples assume that FILTER1, FILTER2, and FILTER3 have been pre-configured as custom filters.

Global Filter

ACMEPACKET(sip-monitoring)# monitoring-filters FILTER1,FILTER3

This filter captures the SIP session data based on the filter settings in FILTER1 and FILTER3 only, for all sessions on the Net-Net ESD.

Session Agent Filters

ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# hostname SA1
ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# monitoring-filters FILTER2
ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# hostname SA2 
ACMEPACKET(session-agent)# monitoring-filters FILTER2,FILTER3

These filters capture the SIP session data for SA1 only, based on the filter settings in FILTER2, and the SIP session data for SA2 only, based on the filter settings in FILTER2 and FILTER3.

Realm Filters

ACMEPACKET(realm-config)# identifier REALM1
ACMEPACKET(realm-config)# monitoring-filters *
ACMEPACKET(realm-config)# identifier REALM2 
ACMEPACKET(realm-config)# monitoring-filters FILTER1

These filters capture all SIP session data for REALM1, and the SIP session data for REALM2 only, based on the filter settings in FILTER1.


If you leave a monitoring-filter field blank, no monitoring takes place for that object.