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Siebel CRM Anywhere Administration Guide
Siebel 2018
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Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema

This topic describes the overall process of using Siebel Anywhere to update the Siebel database schema. Typical schema changes include:

To update the Siebel database schema, perform the following tasks: 

  1. Review the information presented in "Review What Happens During a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade".

  2. Make and test the Siebel database schema changes in the development environment, using Siebel Tools. For more information about this step, see "Changing the Siebel Database Schema in a Development Environment".

  3. Move the schema changes to the test environment, using the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard. For more information about this step, see "Moving Siebel Database Schema Changes Between Environments".

  4. Create the necessary upgrade kits in the test environment. For more information about this step, see "Creating Upgrade Kits for Siebel Database Schema Changes".

  5. Prepare the test Mobile Web Clients and Regional Node Servers for the schema changes. For more information about this step, see the following topics:

  6. Install the schema changes on the test Mobile Web Clients and Regional Node Servers. For more information about this step, see the following topics:

  7. Move the schema changes to the production environment, using the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard. For more information about this step, see "Moving Siebel Database Schema Changes Between Environments".

  8. Create the necessary upgrade kits in the production environment. For more information about this step, see "Creating Upgrade Kits for Siebel Database Schema Changes".

  9. Prepare the production Mobile Web Clients and Regional Node Servers for the schema changes. For more information about this step, see the following topics:

  10. Install the schema changes on the production Mobile Web Clients and Regional Node Servers. For more information about this step, see the following topics:

Review What Happens During a Siebel Database Schema Upgrade

This topic provides background information about what happens during a Siebel database schema upgrade.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

During Siebel database schema upgrades, new and changed objects are identified by comparing the current physical schema with the new virtual schema. Based on this comparison, Upgrade Wizard adds new objects and alters existing objects by using the following:

  • To create the new objects: create table, create index, and so on.

  • To alter the existing objects: alter table, alter index, and so on.


Downsizing existing columns is not recommended. Do not drop columns or tables. These operations can cause transactions that were created before the Siebel database schema change to be rejected, because data that was included in the earlier transactions might not fit into the new schema.

Normally, the database does not allow downsizing a column that already contains data that could not fit into a new smaller column. If you downsize a column, then the column representation in the repository would be different from the physical schema. Under these conditions, Siebel Remote would fail, among other possible errors.

For example, after downsizing existing columns, one of the columns in the new database is shorter (it is created from the representation in the repository). Then, a local database is reextracted (this includes a new schema). After the Remote user synchronizes, initialization occurs. Upgrade Wizard first applies the new local database (including a new schema) to a Remote user's computer. Next, Upgrade Wizard applies any server transactions downloaded during synchronization.

If these transactions were generated before the Siebel database schema changed, then Upgrade Wizard tries to insert data that does not fit into the new column, causing the transaction to be rejected. Furthermore, if this occurs on a regional node, then the error might cause an outage.

Changing the Siebel Database Schema in a Development Environment

The first step in deploying Siebel database schema changes is to make the schema changes in a development environment, using Siebel Tools. For more information about this step, see Using Siebel Tools and Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Keep track of whether your changes include creation or modification of views or applets. This information will affect later steps in the deployment.

Test the changes in the development environment before proceeding to the next part of the process.

Moving Siebel Database Schema Changes Between Environments

When you are ready to move Siebel database schema changes from a developmental environment to a test environment, or from a test environment to a production environment, do not use Siebel Tools to make the changes. Instead, use the Migrate Repository option in the Siebel Database Configuration Wizard to migrate the entire Siebel Repository containing the schema changes to the new environment. For more information about this task, see Using Siebel Tools.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Test the changes in the new environment before proceeding to the next part of the process.

Creating Upgrade Kits for Siebel Database Schema Changes

The creation of a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit has two consequences beyond the creation of the upgrade kit itself:

  • Schema changes from the logical schema (in Siebel Tools) are automatically applied to the physical schema of the HQ database.

  • The custom schema version number in the HQ database is automatically incremented by one.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

The number and type of upgrade kits that you need for deploying Siebel database schema changes depend on the kinds of changes you made to the schema:

  • Major schema changes. Siebel Anywhere is suitable for distributing minor Siebel database schema updates that have been created using database extensibility. If you are performing a major upgrade, then do not use Siebel Anywhere to distribute your changes.

    For more information about performing major upgrades, see Siebel Database Upgrade Guide. For more information about extracting database changes for Mobile Web Clients, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide, and for detailed information regarding database­ extensibility, see Configuring Siebel Business Applications.

  • Incremental schema changes. If your Siebel database schema changes are incremental (that is, if you have added tables, added columns, or changed the names of existing tables or columns), then you can create a Siebel Anywhere upgrade kit to upgrade Mobile Web Clients or a Regional Node Server. You do not need to reextract.

  • Preference for reextraction rather than Siebel Anywhere. It is possible to reextract databases for Mobile Web Clients and Regional Databases, rather than updating them using Siebel Anywhere, if you prefer. For more information, see Siebel Remote and Replication Manager Administration Guide.

  • Mandatory reextraction for nonincremental schema changes. If your Siebel database schema changes are nonincremental (that is, if you have removed or deactivated tables or columns, which are changes that are not recommended), then you must reextract all Mobile Web Clients and Regional Node Servers. Otherwise, synchronization might fail due to transactions that contain data for columns or tables that are no longer available. Reextraction makes it unnecessary to create a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit.

After you define the upgrade kit or upgrade kits for your upgrade, you must activate and apply them as described in Chapter 6, "Activating, Applying, and Distributing Upgrade Kits." If you created both a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit and a Siebel Repository Export Import upgrade kit, then make sure that both are activated and applied before you proceed to the next part of the process.


If you make any upgrade kits dependent upon the Siebel Database Schema component, then first-time Mobile Web Client users will receive an error when they initialize their local databases. The error will indicate the Siebel Business Applications was unable to check initialization status. This problem does not occur where the local database already exists.

Preparing Mobile Web Clients for Siebel Database Schema Changes

In either a test environment or a production environment, it is recommended that you have your Mobile Web Client users synchronize before you distribute your Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".


If any of your mobile users connect to a Regional Node Server, rather than the HQ Server, then the Regional Node Server must install the Siebel database schema changes before those mobile users can obtain and install the changes.

After Mobile Web Client users have synchronized, you can distribute your active upgrade kits to an appropriate test or production configuration for your Mobile Web Clients. For more information about distributing upgrade kits, see "Distributing Upgrade Kits".

Preparing Siebel Regional Node Servers for Siebel Database Schema Changes

This topic describes how to prepare Siebel Regional Node Servers for Siebel database schema changes.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Perform this task before you distribute your Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit to either test Regional Node Servers or production Regional Node Servers.

To prepare Siebel Regional Node Servers for Siebel database schema changes 

  1. Have your Regional Node Servers synchronize with the HQ Server.

  2. Determine which configuration you will use to distribute the upgrade kit or upgrade kits to your Regional Node Servers.

    The default configuration that ships with Siebel Business Applications is Siebel Regional Server. You can create your own configuration for Regional Node Servers to suit the particular needs of your organization. Make sure that the Siebel Database Schema component is associated with your custom configuration. For more information about these tasks, see "Identifying Configurations to Deliver Upgrade Components" and "Modifying and Creating Siebel Anywhere Configurations".

  3. Inspect the Upgrade Component server parameter value for each Regional Node Server, and change it if necessary. For more information, see "Checking Siebel Regional Node Server Parameters Before a Siebel Database Schema Update".

  4. Distribute your upgrade kit (or upgrade kits) to a configuration for your Regional Node Servers.

    These might be either test Regional Node Servers, or production Regional Node Servers, depending on where you are in the process. For more information about distributing upgrade kits, see "Distributing Upgrade Kits".

Checking Siebel Regional Node Server Parameters Before a Siebel Database Schema Update

This topic describes how to check Siebel Regional Node Server parameters before you distribute a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit to a Regional Node Server.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Before you distribute a Siebel database schema to a Regional Node Server, you must make sure that the server parameter Upgrade Component on the Regional Node Server is set to the correct value to match either Siebel Regional Server or any custom configuration you have made for your Regional Node Server. The simplest way to modify the parameter is to use the Server Parameters view, as described in the following procedure.


Before installing a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit on a Regional Node Server in an IBM DB2 environment, you must drop all customized views and triggers in the regional database. Otherwise, the Upgrade Wizard will encounter errors when applying the changes in the logical schema to the physical schema.

Setting Siebel Regional Node Server Parameters Before Distributing a Siebel Database Schema Update

The following procedure describes how to set Siebel Regional Node Server parameters before you distribute a Siebel database schema update.

To set Siebel Regional Node Server parameters before distributing a Siebel database schema update 

  1. On the Regional Node Server, Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, then the Servers view.

    The Siebel Servers list appears.

  2. From the Siebel Servers list, select the appropriate server, and click the Parameters tab.

    The Server Parameters list and the Additional Parameter Information form appear.

  3. In the Server Parameters list, select Upgrade Component in the Parameter field, and set Value to Siebel Regional Server or the name of your custom configuration.

    The Value on Restart setting is automatically populated with the same value when you leave the Value field.

  4. Still in the Server Parameters list, select Table Owner Password in the Parameter field, and make sure that Value and Value on Restart are not blank.

  5. Still in the Server Parameters list, select Version Check in the Parameter field, and set Value and Value on Restart to True.


You can also check and modify the Upgrade Component, Table Owner Password, and Version Check parameters in Server Manager.

You can also check and modify Regional Node Server parameters using Server Manager, as described in the following two procedures.

Checking Server Parameters Using the Server Manager Command Line

The following procedure describes how to check server parameters using the Siebel Server Manager command line.

To check server parameters using the Server Manager command line 

  • From the command-prompt, enter:

    list param <UpgComponent, VersionCheck, TableOwnPass>

Modifying Server Parameters Using the Server Manager Command Line

The following procedure describes how to modify server parameters using the Siebel Server Manager command line.

To modify server parameters using the Server Manager command line 

  • Enter:

    change param param_alias=parameter_value

    where param_alias is UpgComponent, VersionCheck, or TableOwnPass.

For more information about other steps in the process of preparing a Regional Node Server for a Siebel database schema update, see "Preparing Siebel Regional Node Servers for Siebel Database Schema Changes".

Installing Siebel Database Schema Changes on Mobile Web Clients

In a test environment, install the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit (and any accompanying upgrade kits) on test Mobile Web Clients. In a production environment, install the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit (and any accompanying upgrade kits) on production Mobile Web Clients. For more information, see Chapter 5, "Retrieving, Installing, and Testing Upgrade Kits."

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".


The Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit will only be downloaded by Mobile Web Client users.

Installing the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit synchronizes the logical and physical schemas on Mobile Web Client databases.

To distribute an upgrade kit for Mobile Web Clients 

  • For Mobile Web Clients assigned to the HQ Server, distribute the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit under the appropriate configurations so each Mobile Web Client can receive the upgrade kit during synchronization.

  • For Mobile Web Clients assigned to a Regional Node Server, distribute the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit to the configuration for the Regional Node Server, and install the update on the Regional Node Server before distributing the upgrade kit to the configuration for that server's Mobile Web Clients.

    Siebel database schema changes must also be complete on a Regional Node Server before any Developer Web Clients connected to that server can resume normal operations.

Installing Siebel Database Schema Changes on Siebel Regional Node Servers

In a test environment, install the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit (and any accompanying upgrade kits) on test Siebel Regional Node Servers. In a production environment, install the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit (and any accompanying upgrade kits) on production Regional Node Servers. The following procedure describes how to install a Siebel database schema update on a Regional Node Server.

This task is a step in "Process of Updating the Siebel Database Schema".

Installing the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit synchronizes the logical and physical schemas on Regional Node Server databases.


If any of your Mobile Web Client users connect to a Regional Node Server, rather than the HQ Server, then the Regional Node Server must install the Siebel database schema changes before those mobile users can obtain and install the changes.

To install a Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit for regional databases 

  1. Disconnect all users from the Regional Node Servers and the HQ Server.

  2. Stop all tasks on the Siebel Servers except those for the Replication Agent, Transaction Processor, Router, and Transaction Merger components.

  3. Wait until the replication backlog has been processed.

    Check the download and upload statistics in the Administration - Siebel Remote screen for each Regional Node. The three Last File and Last Transaction numbers match in the lower applet. Make sure that there are no outstanding transactions by checking that the docking\inbox and docking\outbox directories are empty on the regional Siebel Servers.

  4. Verify that the server parameter Version Check is set to TRUE on the regional Siebel Server by using one of the following methods:

    • In the Server Parameters view, verify that the server parameter Version Check is set to TRUE on the regional Siebel Server.

    • Use the following commands to start srvrmgr and verify the value of the Version Check parameter:

      srvrmgr /g gateway_host /e enterprise_server /s server_name /u user_name /p password

      list param VersionCheck

  5. The Replication Agent now performs a version check and shuts down itself and the regional Siebel Server so the Siebel administrator can perform the upgrade manually.

  6. Check the appropriate log files (RepAgent.log and syncthrd.log) to verify whether you need to run the Upgrade Wizard.

  7. Verify that the Siebel Server is properly shut down. If not, then shut it down manually.

  8. Use one of the following methods to run the Upgrade Wizard:

    • In a Windows environment, in the server BIN directory, run siebupg.exe to perform the upgrade.

    • In a UNIX environment, in the server BIN directory, run srvrupgwiz to perform the upgrade.

  9. After the upgrade, bring up the regional Siebel Server.

  10. You can change the server parameter Version Check back to False, which is its default value.


When you install the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit, the schema changes are applied to the server and the custom version is incremented, which makes the database template obsolete. If there are Mobile Web Client users who connect to the Regional Node Server, then you must run Generate New Database task to create a new database template.

Mobile Web Clients can synchronize and install the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit in much the same manner as any other upgrade kits by using the Upgrade Wizard.

If the Siebel Business Applications developer created or modified applets or views to display data in new extension columns or new extension tables, then it is necessary to create and distribute the accompanying Siebel Repository Export Import upgrade kit. Installing the combination of the Siebel Database Schema upgrade kit and the Siebel Repository Export Import upgrade kit allows users to view all data after the schema upgrade.

After the Siebel database schema upgrade is finished, distribute the new Siebel Repository Export Import upgrade kit to its corresponding Mobile Web Clients.