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Viewing Account Plan Status

To see the status of any particular plan, use the Plan Details view. This view contains data about plan details, account details, estimated volumes, and actual volumes. Account managers can see the status of a plan by viewing the following typical types of reports:

  • Sales Trending: YTD actual sales compared with planned sales compared with YAGO Sales
  • Sales Profitability: Gross sales compared with net sales compared with margin contribution
  • Fund Forecasting: Fixed funds plus accrual rate plus planned volume
  • Fund Accounting: Forecasted funds compared with committed (planned) spend minus accounting for committed funds reconciliation
  • Spend Forecasting: YTD actual paid plus forecasted spent plus YTG planned to spend
  • Promotion Performance: Planned volume compared with actual volume compared with claim volume
  • Promotion Profitability: Total profitability compared with incremental profitability compared with ROI compared with sales/trade spend
  • An account manager can see this data at the Total Account Plan level or drill down by:
    • Time: Year, Month, Week
    • Product: Category/Brand, Promoted Product Group, SKU
    • Account: Territory, HQ Account, Planning Account, Ship To Account

Account managers can also select a particular dimension to review, such as a specific PPG.

To view the status of a plan

  1. Navigate to the Plans screen, Plan List, and then the Details View.
  2. In the Plans list, select the relevant plan.
  3. Review the fields for the plan.

    The following table describes some fields.



Allows the account plans for an account to be segmented by the category of products for which the account managers are responsible. This segmentation is especially important for large companies that use multiple account managers or brokers to service a single account.


Designates the fiscal year of the plan. This field is can be used to group promotions and perform analyses by fiscal halves, quarters, or months.


Indicates when the plans are complete and ready for review.

Volume Planning Type

Use Sell-In or Sell-Out data for volume planning. The default value is Sell-In.

Main Volume Planning Methodology

Select the most appropriate methodology:

  • Baseline & Incremental: The ideal volume planning methodology for true promotion ROI analysis. It is the most labor intensive and might not be appropriate for account managers with very many accounts, for accounts or products that are over-promoted, or for accounts for which good sales data is not available.
  • Total Volume Planning (promoted/non-promoted volume planning): For accounts and products that are not responsible for a significant percentage of sales, such as the smaller wholesalers, accounts and products that are over-promoted or almost never promoted, or for accounts and products for which good sales data is not available.
  • Promotional Volume Only: For indirect accounts.

Account Team

Limits visibility at the account plan level data to only the people actively involved with the account or category of products being sold into that account.


The volume that would have been sold if no promotions were planned.


The additional volume (over and above baseline volume) that is being sold due to the planned promotions.


Baseline plus Incremental.


Return on Investment. The incremental profit from the planned promotions divided by the total spend.

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