Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Sales Volume Planning >

Viewing SVP Data (End User)

Throughout the SVP period, sales managers view SVP data to monitor shipment or consumption quantities, gather feedback about the effectiveness of account promotions, and track their progress in meeting their targets. For more information about SVP data, see About Sales Volume Planning.

When you create a query to find data in the Category Baseline and Product Baseline lists, the query definition is applied to your subsequent selections in the Accounts and Category lists. For example, to view category baseline records for a quarter, you define the query to return results for the three months in that quarter. When you drill down to the next level, the previously defined query automatically returns records for only that quarter. Similarly, queries that you create in the Product Baseline list are applied when you select subsequent records in the Products list. For more information about creating, executing, and canceling queries, see Siebel Fundamentals.

This task is a step in Roadmap for Sales Volume Planning.

To view SVP data

  1. Navigate to the Sales Volume Planning screen.
  2. In the Sales Volume Planning link bar, for the data that you want to view click one of the following links:
    • Baseline. If you click this link, the Category Baseline list and Product Baseline list appear with the Accounts list, Category list, and Products list.
    • Shipment. If you click this link, the Category Shipment list and Product Shipment list appear with the Accounts list, Category list, and Products list.
    • Consumption. If you click this link, the Category Consumption list and Product Consumption list appear with the Accounts list, Category list, and Products list.
    • Target. If you click this link, the Category Target list and Product Target list appear with the Accounts list, Category list, and Products list.
    • Baseline - Flat. If you click this link, the Product Baseline - Flat list appears with the Accounts list and Category list. You can click Prior Year, Current Year, or Next Year, to see baseline data for the time period.
  3. In the Accounts list, select an account.
  4. In the Category list, select the root category, or drill down on the Name field hyperlink to navigate through the subcategories until you reach the level that you want to view:
    • To return to a higher level, click Go Up.
    • To return to the root, or highest-level category, click the browser Back button.
  5. In the Category Baseline list, Category Shipment list, Category Consumption list, or Category Target list, select a value from the drop-down list that is next to the list buttons.

    The Period Analysis value shows data in a graphical chart by period.

  6. Scroll down to the Products list, and drill down on the Name field hyperlink for a product to view the data.
  7. In the Product Baseline list, Product Shipment list, Product Consumption list, or Product Target list, select a value from the drop-down list that is next to the list buttons.

    The Period Analysis value shows data in a graphical chart by period.

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