Siebel Consumer Goods Guide > Trade Promotions >

Planning by Using Different Units of Measure

Account managers can plan their sales volume in the following different units of measure:

  • Cases to Units
  • Units to Cases
  • Gross Sales Value (GSV) to Units
  • Units to GSV

The base unit for promotions is cases. The base unit for SVP is GSV.

The Planned Volumes view can read any field and multiply it by a conversion factor stored in another field, then save the results to another field. Modifying Incremental Qty in units or cases at any level in the promotion module automatically calculates and updates the other field (unit or case) based on the Unit Conversion Factor at the promoted product level.

The data in the Planned Volume view is the promoted category volume data. A new record in the Planned Volume view is a new promoted category record.

To make a plan by using different units of measure

  1. Navigate to the Plans screen, Promotions, Promoted Categories, and then the Planned Volumes view.
  2. Create a new planned volume.
  3. Use the calculator pick list to enter values in the fields.

    The following table describes some fields.


    Baseline Volume

    Used to capture either the Sell-In or Sell-Out Baseline volume. With a single baseline volume number, the method (sell-in or sell-out) determines which dates are used to pull the baseline number.

    Sell-In Incremental Volume

    The amount of product that is bought from retailers or manufacturers over and above the baseline quantity.

    Total Sell-In Volume

    Total amount of product a retailer buys from a wholesaler or manufacturer. Equals Baseline Volume plus Incremental Sell-In Volume fields.

    Warehouse Withdrawal Volume

    The amount of product withdrawn from warehouse inventory. The default value is zero.

    Forward Buy Volume

    The additional amount of volume that a retailer might purchase over and above the volume sold to consumers, because the retailer wants to buy additional volume on a sale to get a higher profit margin.

    Sell-Out Incremental Volume

    The delta volume that a retailer does not buy from a wholesaler or the manufacturer, even though the retailer plans on selling more to consumers, because the retailer is trying to reduce warehouse inventory.

    Total Sell-Out Volume

    The total amount sold to consumers. Equals Baseline Volume plus Incremental Sell-Out Volume fields.

    % Promoted ACV

    Percent of Promoted All Commodity Volume. The percent of the total sales volume that applies to a high-level promotion.

    Sell-Out Override Lift %

    The percent of increase in product sold to consumers (over baseline volume) due to a promotional activity.

    Sell-In Override Lift %

    The amount of additional product (as compared to baseline) that is expected due to a promotional activity.

    Net Revenue

    Net Revenue is calculated by multiplying the volumes by list price to the customer and subtracting trade spend (fixed and variable spends).

    Gross Revenue

    Gross revenue is calculated by multiplying the volumes by list price to the customer. Gross revenue equals list price multiplied by total volume.

    Predict Lift %

    The forecasted or predicted percent increase in volume (over baseline volume) that is expected from a promotion.

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