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Siebel CRM High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing Guide
Siebel 2018
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Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM

Using Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing, distributors sell the supplier's products using the following process:

Submitting a Registration for a Design Program (Distributor)

The distributor begins by meeting with an OEM to determine whether one of the supplier's components would be appropriate for one of the OEM's design programs and to determine projected sales for the planned product and prices for the component.

When the distributor finds a product that can use one of the supplier's components, the distributor attempts to register it. Registration protects distributors from competition during the period when they are collaborating with the OEM to get this component designed into the product. Typically, distributors are given a discount on components if they register the design and win the design. Other distributors would not get this discount, so they would not be able to offer the same low prices as the distributor holding the registration.

This task is part of "Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM".

To submit the registration through the Partner Portal, the distributor must enter:

  • Design Program. The design program record refers to the product that the component will be used in. For example, it might refer to a new server that the OEM is planning to produce.

  • Design Registration. The design registration record refers to the component used in the program. For example, it might refer to a chip that the distributor thinks can be used in the server.

There can be multiple design registration records for one design program record. For example, the distributors may want to use several different chips made by the supplier in one product that is planned by the OEM.

To submit a registration through the Partner Portal

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the Design Programs screen.

  2. Select an existing design program for which you want to register a new part, or create a new design programs record.

  3. Drill down on the design programs record, click the More Info tab, and enter information about the program. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Field Comments
    Last Name Enter the last name for the contact at the end-customer company.
    Potential Value Displays the roll-up of the potential value for all child design registrations or opportunities.
    Prototype Date Enter the start date for building of the prototype for the OEM product.
    Production Date Enter the start date for production of the OEM product.
    Market Enter the market that the OEM product belongs to.

  4. Click the Program Team view tab and add employees who will be working on this program to the Program Team list.

    Anyone who is on the program team will be able to view this design programs record and the associated information.

  5. Click the Design Registrations tab and create a new design registrations record.

  6. Select Design Opportunity Details from the drop-down list next to the Query button, and enter information about this opportunity to use a specific component produced by the supplier in this product.

    Field Comments
    Potential Value Displays the aggregation of revenues for all selected parts under Revenues.
    Assigned To Displays the manufacturer employee assigned to review the design registration. It is automatically set to the partner manager for this distributor as the first reviewer.
    Field Application Engineer Enter the name of the field application engineer (FAE) assigned to the design registration. This FAE automatically becomes a member of the sales team.
    Sales Engineer Enter the name of the sales engineer (SE) assigned to the design registration. This SE automatically becomes a member of the sales team.
    Rep Firm Enter the account name of the manufacturer representative working the opportunity.
    Inside Sales Rep Automatically filled out with the partner manager for this distributor.
    Submitted Date Displays the date the registration was submitted by the distributor or sales representative.
    Renewal Date Displays the date the registration needs to be renewed by the supplier.
    Approved/Rejected Date Displays the date the status of the registration was set to Approved or Rejected.

  7. In the Revenues view, beneath the Design Registrations list, enter a projected sales quantity and price. Some fields are described in the following table.

    Field Comments
    Selected Identifies the part selected from a list of competing parts for the given socket.
    Registered Selected by the manufacturer to indicate to the distributor that the part is registered on distributor's behalf.

  8. Click the Contacts view tab and add more information about the contacts at the OEM.

  9. Click the Contract Manufacturers view tab and add information about the contract manufacturers who will produce the OEM's product.

    Contract manufacturer information is useful to track where the sales for this opportunity will come from.

  10. In the design registrations form, in the Status field, select Submitted.

    The registration request is submitted to the supplier for approval. The revenue records become read-only. The Inside Sales Rep field is set to the partner manager for this distributor at the supplier company, so the registration is automatically assigned to that partner manager.


    If the distributor wants to make any changes to this design registration data, the distributor can select Recalled in the Status field to recall the submission.

Reviewing and Approving the Registration (Supplier)

The supplier's design registration administrator reviews registrations that have been submitted. The information that the distributor entered in the Design Registrations view of the Partner Portal is displayed in the Design Opportunities view of Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing.

This task is part of "Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM".

To review and approve registration for a program

  1. Navigate to the Administration - Design Programs, then Design Opportunities view.

  2. Query to find all design registrations that have a status of Submitted.

  3. To approve any registrations, select Approved in the Status field.

  4. If the supplier needs more information before approving the registration:

    1. Select Pending in the Status field while investigating whether to approve the program.

    2. In the Design Opportunities list, drill down on the Registration ID of the record that should be reviewed.

      The Design Programs screen appears.

    3. In the Design Opportunities list, locate and select the record for this design opportunity.

    4. Click the view tabs under the Design Opportunities list to view information that the distributor entered about the design registration, such as projected sales and revenue.

    5. Click the All OEM Design Opportunities tab to see if any other distributors have submitted or approved registrations with this OEM.

    6. (Optional). Click the Sales Team view tab and add other employees to the sales team, to give them visibility to this registration.

    7. After doing all needed research and deciding whether to approve the registration, change the value in the Status field of the design opportunity record to Approved or Rejected.

    8. If the registration was rejected, select Design Opportunity Details from the drop-down list next to the Query button, and then enter the reason for the rejection in the Rejection Reason field.

Checking Whether a Registration Request was Approved (Distributor)

After submitting a registration request, the distributor can check whether the registration was approved by looking at the Status field of the design registration record in the Partner Portal.


You can also set up Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing so distributors are automatically notified by email when a registration request is approved or rejected. For more information, see "About Setting Up Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing".

This task is part of "Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM".

To check whether a registration request was approved

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the Design Programs screen.

  2. Drill down on the design program record that this registration is attached to.

    The Design Registrations view appears.

  3. Locate the record for the registration and verify the value in the Status field.

    Select Design Opportunity Details from the drop-down list next to the Query button to view the approval date, which was automatically entered when the supplier changed the status to Approved Portal.

Entering a Design Win or Loss (Distributor)

After the registration is approved, the distributor does detailed design work for the program, usually working with a design house.

If the OEM selects the supplier's component, the distributor enters a design win, indicating that they have successfully sold the supplier's components to the OEM.

If the OEM rejects the design, the distributor enters a design loss.

This task is part of "Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM".

To enter a design win or loss

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the Design Programs screen.

  2. In the Design Programs list, drill down on the record for the program where there has been a design win or loss.

  3. In the Design Registrations list, from the Status field of the record for the registration:

    • Select Win if there has been a design win.

    • Select Dead if there has been a design loss.

  4. Click Save.

Submitting Point-of-Sales Data (Distributor)

Distributors submit point-of-sales data periodically, usually once a month. This data lists the total quantity and price of each of the manufacturers' components that they have sold during the period, the accounts the components were sold to, the shipping dates, and the resale prices.

Distributors can enter this information through the Partner Portal, but they will probably enter it in a legacy application and submit it in some other format.

The point-of-sales data should have the following format:

  • A report header, with information about the distributor sending the report.

  • Multiple line items, one line item for each sale the distributor has made to an OEM for the supplier.

After importing this information, the supplier can view it in the Design Programs screen, Design Opportunities, and then the POS Orders view in the Siebel High Tech and Industrial Manufacturing employee application.

In the POS Orders view, the line items contain the fields listed in Table 4-1. Distributors should submit reports with the data needed to populate these fields.

Table 4-1 Fields in the POS Orders view

Field Comments


Parent organization for the distributor.

End Customer

Account name for OEM.

Part #

A part number, such as global product identifier or manufacturer part number.

Shipped Quantity

Quantity shipped by the distributor.

Distributor Credit Amount

Amount of credit requested by the distributor.

Transaction Status

Processing status of the POS order.

Branch Office

Organization for the distributor.


Difference between the amount submitted by the distributor on the claim and the amount originally agreed upon per the entitlement.

Authorized Credit Amount

Amount of credit authorized by the manufacturer to the distributor.

SPA Entitlement #

Entitlement number under the agreement generated when the quote is approved. This number is required for reimbursement of claims.

Ship Date

Distributor ship date to OEM.

Resale Price

Resale price per distributor.

To submit point-of-sales data

  • Enter this data through the Partner Portal or provide it in a spreadsheet, a text file, or an EDI message.

Tracking Sales (Supplier)

The supplier imports the point-of-sales data submitted by the distributor using Siebel Enterprise Application Integration (Siebel EAI).

After it is imported, the supplier can view this data, which is used as the basis for compensating the supplier.

These tasks are part of "Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM".

To import the data using Siebel EAI

  • See Integration Platform Technologies: Siebel Enterprise Application Integration.

To view point-of-sales data for a component

  1. Navigate to the Design Programs screen.

  2. In the Design Programs list, drill down on the record for the design program where the component is being used.

  3. In the Design Opportunities view, select the record for the design opportunity that represents this component and choose Design Opportunity Details from the drop-down list.

  4. Display the POS Orders view beneath the Design Opportunities view.

    Transactions for this component are displayed.

Viewing Point-Of-Sales Data for a Design Program (Distributor)

Distributors generally do not submit point-of-sales data using the Partner Portal. They submit this data using a spreadsheet, a text file. or an EDI message, and the supplier imports it into the Siebel application.

However, distributors can view the imported point-of-sales data using the Partner Portal to get an overview of all their sales of a component.


If the distributor does not provide sales data that includes the Registration ID, then the point-of-sales data will be visible in the POS Orders view of the Partner Portal, but it will not be associated with the programs that the parts were sold under.

This task is part of "Process of Distributor Selling Components to OEM".

To view point-of-sales data for a component

  1. In the Partner Portal, navigate to the Design Programs screen.

  2. In the Design Programs list, drill down on the record for the design program where the component is being used.

  3. In the Design Registrations view, select the record for the design registration that represents this component.

  4. Click the POS Orders view tab beneath the Design Registrations view.

    Transactions for this component are displayed.