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Siebel CRM Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide
Siebel 2018
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About Tracking Partner Information

You can track partner information in the following ways:

Using the Partner and Partnership Profile

Siebel PRM lets you work with two profiles:

  • Partner Profile. A partner profile includes information about the partner or prospective partner company's business.

  • Partnership Profile. A partnership profile includes information about your company's relationship with the partner company.

The Partner Profile

You can use the Partner Profile screen to enter information about the partner company for your own use, such as its annual revenues, its number of employees, its sales revenues, and so on.

If this company applied to be a partner through your Siebel PRM Portal, it filled out a partner profile form. You can use the Partner Profile screen to view the information that it entered.

To enter or view a partner company profile  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner whose profile you want to display.

  3. Navigate to the Profile view.

  4. If the Partner Profile is not already displayed, navigate to Partner Profile view.

  5. Enter or view the information in the following table about the partner company in the Partner Profile form.

    Field Description
    Description of Business A short description of the partner company's business and background.
    Annual Revenue The partner company's annual revenues.
    Markets The market segments in which the partner operates.
    # of Employees The number of employees at the partner company.
    # of Sales Employees The number of employees in the partner company's sales organization.
    # of Service Employees The number of employees in the partner company's service organization.
    Growth Strategies The partner's growth strategy.
    Routes to Market The partner's routes to market.
    Expertise A list of the partner company's special skills.
    Other Program Membership Other companies with which the partner has a relationship. (This partner is a member of these companies' partnership programs.)
    Partner's Competitors A list of the partner company's competitors.

  6. In the Products list, enter the partner's products and services that are relevant to your company. Add new records to the list, and enter the information in the following table in their fields.

    Field Description
    Name The name of the partner's product or service.
    Version The version of the partner's product or service.
    Description A description of the partner's product or service.
    Service Product Select this flag if the product is a service.
    Sales Product Select this flag if the product is a sales-related product.
    Part # Enter the part number associated with the product or service.
    Type Enter the type of product.

  7. In the Related Products list, add the brand owner company's products that are related to the partner's products that you entered. Add new records to the list, and enter the information in the following table in their fields.

    Field Description
    Product The name of the brand owner's product or service.
    Relation Indicates the relationship of the brand owner's product to the partner's product. Examples are Component, Bundled, and Cross-Promoted.
    Integration Status Indicates the status of integration between the brand owner's product and the partner's product. Examples are Integration In Progress and Integration Completed.
    Description A description of the product.
    Vendor Vendor name of the product.
    Effective Start Date The start date of the validated relationship between the brand owner's product and the partner's product.
    Effective End Date The end date of the validated relationship between the brand owner's product and the partner's product.
    Orderable Indicates whether the product is orderable.

To work with a partner company profile  

  • Modify a record by selecting a field and changing the information.

Entering the Partnership Profile

The Partnership Profile screen holds information about your relationship with the partner company and the way you work together, and so it supplements the partner profile, which holds information about the partner company itself.

When you are first planning how you can work together with a partner company, the Partnership Profile screen lets you clarify your future relationship by discussing the items on this screen with people at the partner company.

To enter or view a partnership profile  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner whose partnership profile you want to display.

  3. Navigate to the Profile view.

  4. Navigate to Partnership Profile view, if the partnership profile is not already displayed.

  5. Enter or view information in the following table about this partnership in the Partnership Profile form.

    Field Description
    Description of Partnership Enter a general description of the partnership.
    Channel Sales Growth Rate Enter the annual growth rate of the partner's sales of your products.
    Yearly Channel Sales Enter the partner's yearly sales of your products.
    Quarterly Channel Sales Enter the partner's quarterly sales of your products.
    Start Date Enter the date when the partnership was initiated.
    End Date If the partnership is terminated, enter the termination date.
    Renewal Date Enter the date when the partnership is to be renewed.
    Fees Paid Select this flag to indicate that the partner has paid membership fees.
    Internal Benefit Enter the benefit of this partnership to your company.
    Partners Benefit Enter the benefit of this partnership to the partner company.
    Satisfaction Index (1 - 10) The channel manager can use this field to rate this partnership on a scale of 1 to 10.
    Joint Markets Select the market segments in which you and this partner jointly operate.
    Joint Routes to Market Enter a description of your company's and the partner's joint routes to market.
    Joint Growth Strategy Enter a description of your growth strategy for this partnership.

  6. In the Product Line list, enter your product lines that are relevant to this partnership, such as lines of products that you expect the partner to resell. Add new records to the list, and enter the information in the following table in their fields.

    Field Description
    Product Line Choose a product line from a list of your company's product lines.
    Description A description of the product line is entered automatically.
    Products A list of products in this product line is entered automatically.
    Product Line Manager The name of the product line manager is entered automatically.

Entering Partner Management Activities

You often want to record activities that you perform to manage your partners, such as a telephone call you must make or a meeting you scheduled. You can list these activities on the Partners screen, Activities view. For more information about activities, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Activities you add in the Partners screen are generally for your own use. However, you can also assign them to your own employees or to partner employees by selecting an employee's name in the Assigned To field.

To enter a partner management activity  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner to which the activity applies.

  3. Navigate to the Activities view.

  4. In the Activities list, add a new record.

  5. Fill in the fields with the details of the new activity.

Use the following procedure to work with partner management activities.

To work with partner management activities  

  • Modify a record by editing the information in its fields.

  • Delete a record by selecting it, clicking the menu button, and then clicking Delete Record.

  • To display a list of your activities, including your partner management activities, navigate to the Activities screen.

Entering Partner Management Activity Plans

Siebel business Applications make it possible to create activity plans, which are templates that include lists of activities that are often performed in sequence. Using activity plan templates makes it easier to create complicated series of activities. If your company's Siebel Business Applications administrator has created these templates, you can use them through the Partner Activity Plans view.

For example, you might often organize marketing events together with your partners. Organizing a marketing event requires a sequence of activities that are fairly standardized. You can create an event organization activity plan that includes these standard activities.

When you want to organize an event, use this activity plan, and assign each activity in it to the person who is responsible for it. For more information about activity plan templates, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.

Generally, the activity plans that you add in the Partners screen are for your use. However, you can also assign these activities to your own employees or to partner employees by selecting an employee's name in the Activity record's Assigned To field.

To enter a partner management activity plan  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner to which the activity plan applies.

  3. Navigate to the Activity Plans view.

    The Activity Plans list appears.

  4. In the Activity Plans list, add a new record.

  5. Fill in the fields with the details of the new activity. Use the Template field list to choose an existing template.

    The activities from that template are listed in the Activities list.

Use the following procedure to work with partner management activity plans.

To work with partner management activity plans  

  • Delete a record by selecting it, clicking the menu button, and then clicking Delete.

  • To display a list of your activities, including activities from your partner management activity plans, navigate to the Activities screen.

Entering Partner Agreements

It is often useful to have a list of the agreements that you have made with a partner company to refer to when you want to look up a specific agreement. Use the Partner Agreements view to record the agreements that you have made with your partners. For more information on agreements, see the chapter on agreements in Siebel Applications Administration Guide.


The partner agreements that appear in the Partners screen are not to be confused with service agreements with your customers. Partner agreements are agreements between the brand owner and partner company.

To enter partner agreements  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner with which you have made the agreement.

  3. Navigate to the Agreements view.

  4. In the Agreements list, click the menu button, add a new record Record to add a new record to this list, and then enter the details of the agreement.

Use the following procedure to work with partner agreements.

To work with partner agreements  

  • Modify a record by selecting a field and changing the information.

  • Delete a record by selecting it, clicking the menu button, and then clicking Delete.

Adding Partner Company Attachments

When you attach documents to a partner company's record, you can access them when you are working with that partner company. For example, if you write a report about a partner company, you can attach it to that company's record. Use the Partner Attachments view to attach files to partner records.

The attachments you add in the Partners screen are for your company's use. Your partners cannot access them. To share files with a partner, you must add attachments to Account, Contact, or Market Development Fund records, which the partner can access.

To enter partner company attachments  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner to which you want to add the attachment.

  3. Navigate to the Attachments view.

  4. In the Attachments list, add a new record.

    The Attachments Form appears.

  5. In the Attachments Name field, click the Multiple Select button.

    The Add Attachment File dialog box appears.

  6. Browse to locate the file you want to attach to the partner company record and click Open.

    The name of the file is entered in the File Name field of the new Add Attachment dialog box.

  7. Add a record.

    The name of the file appears in the Attachment Name field.

  8. Fill out the other fields in the Attachments record.

Use the following procedure to work with partner attachments.

To work with partner attachments  

  • Modify a record by selecting a field and changing the information.

  • Delete a record by selecting it, clicking the menu button, and then clicking Delete.

  • Display the contents of the attached file by clicking its name in the Name field.

Entering Partner Contacts

The Contacts list keeps track of your business contacts at the partner company.

Partner employees must be in the Contacts list to be included in partner organization charts. You can also add contacts when you are creating an organization chart; these new contacts are added to the Contacts list. For more information on contacts, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.


Adding a contact in the Partner Contacts view does not give that contact access to the Siebel PRM Portal. If you want partner contacts to have access to Siebel PRM, you must also add them in the User Assignments list of the Administration - Partner screen, or they must be added by the delegated administrator at their own company. For more information, see Chapter 6, "Working with Partner Programs."

To enter partner company contacts  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner company where the contact is an employee.

  3. Navigate to the Contacts view.

  4. In the Partner Contacts list, add a new record.

  5. Enter information about the contact.

Entering Partnership Contacts

The Partnership Contacts list keeps track of the key people who manage this partnership. It includes the following:

  • Key partner contacts. These employees of the partner company are responsible for managing the partner relationship.

  • Internal owners. These employees of the brand owner company are responsible for managing the partner relationship.

For more information on contacts, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide.


Partner employees must be in the partner Contacts list, described in the previous topic, for you to be able to select them to be added to the Partnership Contacts list.

To enter partnership contacts  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner company where the contact is an employee.

  3. Navigate to the Partnership Contacts view.

    The Key Partner Contacts list appears.

  4. In the Key Partner Contacts list, add a new record.

    The Key Partner Contacts form appears.

  5. Click the Single Select button for the Last Name field.

    The Pick Contact dialog box appears, listing employees already added to the partner Contacts list.

  6. Select the record for the contact you want to add, and click OK.

    The fields in the Key Partner Contacts form are filled out with information about this contact.

  7. In the Internal Owners list, add a new record.

  8. In the Add Positions dialog box, select the person in your company who is the internal owner of this partnership contact. You can select more than one internal owner.

Adding Notes About a Partner Company

Partner notes let you enter text information about partner companies. For example, if a partner gives you driving direction to its office, you can enter the information in a note added to that company's record.

This information can be exclusively for your use or can be shared with colleagues in your company:

  • Private Notes. These notes are visible only to the person who entered them.

  • Shared Notes. These notes are visible to anyone in the brand owner company who can see the partner's records.

You and others in your company can use the Partner Notes view to enter notes about your partners.


Partner employees do not have access to shared notes. They are used for sharing information within the brand owner company.

To enter notes about a partner company  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner to which the note applies.

  3. Navigate to the Notes view.

  4. If the proper type of note is not already displayed, navigate to Private Notes or Public Notes view.

  5. In the Notes list, add a new record.

  6. Enter the note as text in the Description field of the new record.

Use the following procedure to work with notes about a partner company.

To work with notes about a partner company  

  • Modify a record by selecting a field and changing the information.

  • Delete a record by selecting it, clicking the menu button, and then clicking Delete.

Creating a Partner Company Organization Chart

When you display a company organization chart of a large partner company, you can see every employee's position at a glance. Siebel PRM lets you define the hierarchy shown in the organization chart by specifying the manager for every contact. Select the appropriate person in the Manager field of the Contact record.

Everyone in the organization chart must be on your contact list for that partner company. You can add new contacts in the Partner Organization Analysis view while you are working on the organization chart, and they are also visible in the Partner Contacts view.

The lower form in the Partners Organization Analysis view has a list next to its name. Use this list to toggle between a Contacts view, which has a list of your partner contacts, and an Organization Analysis view, which has an organization chart. If the chart appears when you first open it, you must use this list to display the Contacts list in order to select each contact's manager. You can also use the Contacts list to add new contacts.

To create a partner company organization chart  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, drill down on the name of the partner company whose organization chart you want to create.

  3. Navigate to the Organization Analysis view.

    The Partner Organization Analysis view appears.

  4. If the lower form is Contacts list, go on to Step 6. If the lower form is Organization Analysis, select Contacts from the list.

  5. Select the partner employee whose manager you want to specify.

  6. Click the Single Select button for the Manager Last Name field.

    The Pick Manager dialog box appears.

  7. Select the person's manager and click Pick.

  8. Repeat Step 6 and Step 7 to select a manager for each of the partner contacts.

  9. Select Organization Analysis from the list to display an organization chart for the partner company.

Use the following procedure to work with partner company organization charts.

To work with partner company organization charts  

  • Maintain the chart whenever the company's structure changes by using the Pick Manager dialog box to change Manager Last Name fields as needed.

  • View the chart at any time by selecting the record of the partner company in the Partner screen and navigating to the Organization Analysis view.

Uploading Partner Logos

The Siebel PRM Portal allows a partner to upload its company logo. You can use the partner logo for collaborative presentations or proposals that you want to co-brand.

The partner can upload multiple logos, because you might need its logo in different formats to use in different media. For example, you use .gif or .jpg format to display on the Web, and you might need a higher quality format for printed material.

The partner uploads logos by clicking on the Profile link, displaying the Company profile, and then displaying the Logos list. The partner can add a record to this list and select the graphics file for the logo.

After these logos are approved by the brand owner, the partner can specify which logo is displayed in the Partner Locator by selecting it in the Partner Profile Logo field of the Company Profile form. The brand owner can also specify which logo is displayed in the Partner Locator by selecting it in the Partner Profile Logo field in the Partner screen of the Siebel PRM Manager. Both partner and brand owner can access this field, and can use it to select a logo of the type jpg, bmp, gif, or another Web format to be displayed.

You must approve logos that the partner has uploaded before they can be used. When a partner submits a logo, its status defaults to submitted. You approve it by changing the status to approved. The partner can view the status in the Siebel PRM Portal but cannot change it.

You use the Siebel PRM Manager to approve, access and use all the partner's logos.

To approve or access a partner logo  

  1. Navigate to the Partners screen, then the Partner List view.

  2. In the Partners list, select the partner company whose logos you want to work with.

  3. Navigate to the Logos view.

  4. To approve a logo, in the Status field of its record in the Logos list, select Approved.

  5. To access a logo, in the Logos list, click the file name.

    When you drill down on the file name, the Logo Details view appears, where you can see the logo.