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Siebel CRM Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide
Siebel 2018
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Eligibility Administration for Partner Programs

A partner program can have lists of eligibility attributes that determine what partners can apply to it or renew a membership. The brand owner can use automated rules, lists of partner companies, or manually enter data to determine partner eligibility.

This only applies to programs whose approval method is approval list. For more information, see "Specifying Partner Program Approval Method".

An eligibility list for a partner program can be created by entering data manually or using Oracle Business Intelligence.

Eligibility administration is covered in the following topics:

Creating a Partner Programs Eligibility List Manually

To create an eligibility list manually, you enter information about each partner program to generate a picklist. Note that this method might not be practical for a long list of partner programs. If you have a lot of partner programs, see "Creating a Partner Programs Eligibility List Using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load."

Use the following procedure to create an eligibility list manually.

To create an eligibility list manually (brand owner) 

  1. Navigate to the Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view and drill down on the program for which you want to create an eligibility list.

  2. In the Eligibility Administration view, navigate to a detail view by clicking one of the following links for the type of list you are creating:

    • Program Eligible. This list defines who can apply for a program. It determines whether a partner meets the criteria to apply for the partner program. On the PRM Portal, partners sees the Apply button only on programs for which they are eligible.


      Clicking on the Available to All check box overrides this list. Make sure that Available to All is not selected if you want to use an Eligible Partners list.

    • Renewal Eligible. This list determines which partners can renew their membership to a partner program. Renewal eligibility determines whether the Renew button is active on the PRM Portal.

    • Approval Eligible. This list determines which partners are automatically approved for a program. The approval eligibility is associated to the approval method you chose on the Program Design view.

  3. Add a record and select the partners you want.

  4. Optionally, you can click Add List to import a list of partners that must be defined in a list in the List Management screen, Partner List view.

Creating a Partner Programs Eligibility List Using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load

It is recommended that you use Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load when importing many partner records based on many criteria. This report generates the list of partners and provides a link to that report. For procedures for setting this process, see "Using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load."

Use the following procedure to create an eligibility list from a report in Oracle Business Intelligence.

To create an eligibility list from a report in Oracle Business Intelligence 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view and drill down on the program for which you want to create an eligibility list.

  2. Select the record you need to create a list:

    • To create an Program Eligible list, select a record with the Load Name value that begins with Eligible.

    • To create a Renewal Eligible list, select a record with the Load Name value that begins with Renewal.

    • To create an Approval Eligible list, select a record with the Load Name value that begins with Approval.

  3. In the Location field, select a location.

    The Location list is available only if the user IDs and user passwords in Siebel PRM and Oracle Business Intelligence are identical.

  4. In the Eligibility Administration view, click Activate and scroll down to the Load History list.

    A record with the status of Pending appears.

  5. As the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load runs, click Refresh until the status changes from In Progress to Completed.

  6. Scroll down to the Task Log list and check all log details.

  7. In the Eligibility Administration view, click Deactivate.

  8. To view information for the records that fail:

    1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view.

    2. Select the partner program and drill down.

    3. In the Eligibility Administration view, scroll down to see the Load History list.

    4. Select the appropriate record in the Load History list and Task Log list to view information about the status of the data load and any errors encountered during data load.

Creating a Refresh Schedule

A refresh schedule determines how often the Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load is run for each eligibility list.

Use the following procedure to create a refresh schedule.

To create a refresh schedule (brand owner) 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Membership Administration view.

  2. Select the Data Load record for which you want to add a refresh schedule.

  3. If the Active flag is checked, click Deactivate to allow updates to the schedule.

  4. Set up the schedule.

    1. In the Start Date field, select the first date you want the data load to run.

    2. In the Next Schedule Date field, select the next scheduled date you want the data load to run.

    3. In the Repeat Every field, select the amount of time you want the data load to run.

      For example, if you want it to run every five days, you would select 5.

    4. In the Unit field, select the unit of measure you want the data load to run.

      For example, if you want it to run every five days, you would select days.

    5. In the Until field, select the last date the analytics segment is to run.

      For example:

      Start Time: Current date and time

      Next Schedule Date: Current time + 10 minutes

      Repeat Every: 4

      Unit: Days

      Until: Current date + one month.

      This means the data load is configured to be activated after 10 minutes and to run every four days until the following month.

  5. Click Activate.

  6. Once the start data has arrived, scroll down to the Load History list, and then click Refresh until the status is Completed.

    The imported records appear in the Eligibility Partners list after the data load has run.

  7. Click Deactivate.

Using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load

Eligibility lists for partner programs can be created using Oracle Business Intelligence Data Load and then imported into Siebel OLTP.

Before you can create and import the eligibility lists, you must have the Business Intelligence reports set up and configured properly. For more information, see Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition documentation.

Figure 6-1 shows the partner program load data flowchart.

Figure 6-1 Partner Program Load Data Flow

Surrounding text describes Figure 6-1 .

In the Partner Program Data Load workflow, there is a step called Analytics Data Load. It has an input property called MaxErrors. Default value for this parameter is 1. If there is an error during data load, the job is terminated. It is possible to change this input property on the workflow. If the value is increased to 100, then 99 data load errors are ignored.

A Refresh of the eligibility list can be scheduled at particular intervals, for example, hour/day/month. For information on creating a refresh schedule, see "Creating a Refresh Schedule."

The following is the workflow for using the Analytics Report.

Oracle Business Intelligence Setup Workflow on Siebel Server 

  1. Activate the latest version of the following list of workflows:

    • Workflow Name: Partner Program Data Load Group: eChannel

    • Workflow Name: Import Marketing Contact Group: Marketing

  2. In Siebel Tools, select the workflow in the Object List Editor and click Deploy.

  3. The workflow's status changes from In Progress to Completed.

  4. In the run-time client, navigate to the Administration - Business Process screen, then the Workflow Deployment view, and query for the workflow you just deployed.

  5. With the workflow process selected, click the Activate button.

  6. Make sure Workflow Process Manager is running.

    1. Navigate to Administration - Server Management screen, then the Components view.

    2. Query for Workflow Process Manager.

      One record is returned with Component Status = Online

  7. Update the location of Marketing File System.

    1. Navigate to the Administration - Server Configuration screen, Servers, and then Components view.

    2. Query for Workflow Process Manager and then select it.

    3. Navigate to the Parameters view.

    4. Query for Marketing File System and change the value to the file system location of the computer where the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Server is installed.

  8. Update the User Id and Password for the Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Server.

    1. Navigate to Administration - Partner screen, then the Servers view.

    2. Query for Default Analytics Web Server.

    3. Update the User Id and Password.

  9. Update the Web services setup.

    1. Navigate to Administration - Web Services screen, then the Outbound Web Services view and then query for Name = "*Service".

    2. In Service Ports list, change the first part of the address (the default value is CHANGEME) to match the server name and domain of your Oracle Business Intelligence Presentation Services Server.

      This address must be the full path name. For example, if the server name is MyServer1, the full address for the JobManagementService is:

      • http://MyServer1/analytics/saw.dll?Soaplmpl=jobManagementService.

    3. Repeat Step a and Step b for the records in the Service Ports list for the SAWSessionServiceSoap and WebCatalogServiceSoap Web Services.

      • SAWSessionServiceSoap. http://MyServer1/analytics/saw.dll?Soaplmpl=nQSessionService

      • WebCatalogServiceSoap. http://MyServer1/analytics/saw.dll?Soaplmpl=webCatalogService

  10. In the Outbound Web Services list, click Clear Cache.

  11. Update the NQ Host.

    1. Navigate to Administration – Integration -screen, then the WI Symbolic URL List and select Host Administration from the list.

    2. Query for Virtual Name = NQHOST.

    3. Enter the Analytics server name in the Parameter field.

    You do not need to restart the Siebel Server for this change to be effective.

Setting Up an Oracle Business Intelligence Report

It is important that the Oracle Business Intelligence report setup is completed and configured properly before you use it to create an eligibility list.

Use the following procedure to create an Oracle Business Intelligence report.

To create an Oracle Business Intelligence Report 

  1. Connect to the marketing analytics URL (http://My Server1/analytics) and log in.

  2. Select More Products from the list, click Marketing on the Dashboard and then click Create a List Format to enter the start page of List formats.

  3. In the List Subject area, select Marketing Account List.

    The Marketing Account List catalog appears in the side panel.

  4. Select the Accounts (Transaction Database) folder in the catalog panel.

  5. Select the ROW_ID column.

    • Update the Table Heading Account (Transaction Database) to Channel Partner.

    • Update the Column Heading ROW_ID to Id.


      Channel Partner is the name of the integration component and Id is one of the Channel Partner integration component keys. You can use other Channel Partner integration component keys or create a new one. Make sure the key uniquely identifies the record before using it.

  6. Select the Partner Flag column.

    1. Apply a filter (Partner Flag = 'Y') on this column.

    2. Remove the Partner Flag column.

  7. Select columns where certain query criteria are required. Apply the filters and then remove the columns.

  8. Select any two columns from any folder and apply formatting to these two columns with parameterized values which are used for the PPR Partner Program Partner Integration business component and the Partner Program Data Load workflow.

    1. Format the first column as:

      • Table Heading: PPR Partner Program Partner Integration

      • Column Heading: Prog Id

      • Column Formula: '@{partnerProgramID}{0}'

    2. Format the second column as:

      • Table Heading: PPR Partner Program Partner Integration

      • Column Heading: Type

      • Column Formula: '@{eligiblePartnerListType}{0}'

  9. Navigate to the Options view and select:

    Purpose = Analytics Data Load

  10. Navigate to the Header and Footer view and enter the header text as the following:

    # Channel Partner


  11. Navigate to Options view and set these attributes:

    • Purpose = Analytics Data Load

    • Delimited (checked)

    • End of Field Delimiter = Comma

    • Text Qualifier = " "

  12. Save this report in a chosen folder.

  13. To preview the list, navigate to the Preview view. To set up this preview functionality:

    1. Log in to the computer where Analytics Web (SAW) is installed

    2. Modify the MarketingPreviewPath in instanceconfig.xml which is located at D:\Analytics Server directory\Web\config

    3. Modify the MarketingPreviewPath in instanceconfig.xml which is located at [Install_Drive]:\Analytics Data directory\Web\config

    4. Restart the SAW service

    The following is a sample list that you see:

    # Channel Partner

    #Channel Partner.Name,Channel Partner.Location,PPR Partner Program Partner Integration.Prog Id,PPR Partner Program Partner Integration.Type

    Active Systems,HQ,0,0

    Active Systems - Americas,HQ,0,0

    Asyrex Technologies,HQ,0,0

    Avaya Communications,HQ,0,0

    CKS Software,HQ,0,0

    Dun & Bradstreet,HQ,0,0

    Illuminent Technologies,HQ,0,0


    International Software Solutions,HQ,0,0

    Lawson Utility,HQ,0,0

    Lexis Nexis,HQ,0,0



    Puma Technology, Inc.,HQ,0,0


    Vertica Partners,HQ,0,0