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Siebel CRM Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide
Siebel 2018
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Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs

After a partner applies for a partner program using the PRM Portal, the application is available for the brand owner to view and evaluate. Brand owners can designate individuals or teams to review and approve applications for each partner program.

This only applies to programs whose approval method is manual. For more information, see "Specifying Partner Program Approval Method".

The brand owner reviews and approves or rejects a submitted application by performing the following tasks:

  1. "Accepting a Partner Program Application"

  2. "Reviewing Application Inbox Information"

  3. "Adding Program Entitlements to Partner Agreements"

  4. "Approving a Partner Program Application"

  5. "Rejecting a Partner Program Application"

  6. "Notifying Partner of Application Approval by Email"

Accepting a Partner Program Application

When you accept an application, it means that the you now own the application and will review it and be responsible for approving or rejecting it.

This task is a step in the "Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs."

To accept a program application 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Application Inbox view.

  2. Select the application to be accepted and click Accept.

    • The Current Owner field is filled in with your login.

    • The Status field is Pending.

    • The Accept button in the More Info form is grayed out.

Reviewing Application Inbox Information

The Application Inbox views provide a centralized view of all information about partner program applications. After you view this information, the Application Inbox also allows you to approve or reject applications.


Prospective and qualified partners can apply for partner programs but their applications do not appear in these views until they are registered. For information on registering a partner, see "Process of Enrolling a New Partner Company".

This task is a step in the "Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs."

To view application information 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Application Inbox view.

  2. Drill down on the Tracking # field for an application.

    General information about this application appears in the More Info view.

Viewing Application Details

The Application Detail view shows each question on the program application with the corresponding responses from the partner. These question/answer pairs can be in one of these two formats:

  • Smartscript Session: For questions where the Save Answer Table is checked. For more information on Smartscript, see Siebel SmartScript Administration Guide.

  • External Application: If membership applications are delivered using .jsp or .asp pages, the PPR Partner Program Application Detail Integration Component within the PPR Partner Program Integration Object must be used for mapping and integration.

To view application details 

  1. Navigate to the Application Detail view.

  2. For each question in the Question field, review the applicant's answers in the Answer field.

Viewing Application Attachments

The Attachments view shows any attachments submitted by the partner as part of the application.

To view application attachments 

  1. Navigate to the Attachments view.

  2. Review all attachments.

Viewing Application Activities

The Activities view shows activities associated with application approvals. These activities might be prepopulated based on an activity template defined for the program.


You can create an Activity Template (of type PRR Partner Prog Application) by navigating to the Administration - Data screen, then the Activity Templates view.

To view application activities 

  1. Navigate to the Activities view.

  2. Review activities.

Viewing the Application Audit Trail

The Audit Trail view logs any updates made to key fields. For example, you can track updates to Status and Partner Name fields in the Audit Trail.

To view the application audit trail 

  1. Navigate to the Audit Trail view.

  2. Review the audit trail.

Viewing Application MDF Programs

All Market Development Fund (MDF) programs that are associated with the partner program appear in the MDF Program view. After you approve the application, the partner is eligible for all these MDFs. For more information about MDFs, see Chapter 17, "Using Market Development Funds."

Before you approve the partner's application, view these MDF programs and verify that the partner is eligible for all of them. If so, you can generate an MDF program account for the partner.

The brand owner can also generate new MDF program accounts for the partner from this view as needed.


The following procedure applies to the Advanced MFD option only. For more information, see "The Advanced MDF Option".

To view MDF programs associated with the application  

  1. Navigate to the MDF Program view.

  2. Review the MDF programs.

  3. Click Generate Account to generate an MFD program account for that partner.

Viewing Program Membership History

The Program Membership view displays a history of this partner's previous memberships in this program.

It is important to review the membership history to see whether this partner has been a member of this program in the past and has been terminated.

Reviewing the history, you might also find that the partner is already a member of the program. Two partner employees submitted applications to the program, and one has already been accepted.

To view the partner's program membership history 

  1. Navigate to the Partner Programs screen, then the Application Inbox view.

  2. Drill down on the Tracking Number for the application.

  3. Navigate to the Program Membership view.

  4. Review the partner's history of membership in this program.

    The Program memberships list includes all memberships of this partner in this program, whatever their status.

Adding Program Entitlements to Partner Agreements

There is an agreement between the brand owner and each partner company that specifies which entitlements the partner has.

Programs can have entitlements, as described in "Associating Entitlements with Partner Programs". If a partner is added to a program that has entitlements, the entitlements for the program are added to that partner's agreement.

When a partner applies to join a program, the brand owner's partner administrator can use the Agreements view of the application inbox to:

  • View existing agreements with this partner.

  • Create a new agreement with this partner. The entitlements associated with this program is automatically associated with this new agreement and displayed in the Associated Agreements list.

If the brand owner's partner administrator deletes an agreement from the partner program, partners who join the program in the future are not be bound by the agreement, but partners who are already members of the program are still bound by the agreement that they accepted when they joined.

New entitlements that are added to the agreement because the partner joined the program have begin and end dates that are based on the program begin and end dates. If the partner does not have an existing agreement, the new agreement that is created also has begin and end dates based on the program begin and end dates.

You can view all of the agreements with this partner in Partner Programs screen, Program Members Administration, and then Agreements view.

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Partner Programs."

To add program agreements to a partner's agreements 

  1. Navigate to the Partner Programs screen, then the Application Inbox view.

  2. In the desired program, drill down on the program name.

  3. Navigate to the Agreements view.

    The Agreements list includes existing agreements with this partner.

  4. In the Agreements list, add a new record and complete the necessary fields.

  5. Click Associate.

    The Associated Agreement form's Agreement area is populated with information about the entitlement for this partner program.

Approving a Partner Program Application

After reviewing all the application data, the application owner can approve the application by clicking the Approve button on the Application Inbox view.

When a partner is approved for the partner program, a membership record is automatically created and some fields are populated, as described in "Updating Partner Program Membership Records". The partner is also added to the access groups associated with this partner program.

The workflow used in the following procedure is the PPR Auto Approval Workflow.

Approving or rejecting an application is a task in the "Process of Reviewing Applications to Partner Programs."

To approve an application  

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Application Inbox view.

  2. Select the application and click Approve.

    A message appears saying, You are approving an application. This will create a membership record for this partner. Do you wish to continue?

  3. Click Yes.

    The Status field is set to Approved, and the application becomes read-only.

Rejecting a Partner Program Application

If the application is not approved, you can reject it by clicking the Reject button on the Application Inbox view.

To reject an application (brand owner) 

  1. Navigate to Partner Programs screen, then the Application Inbox view.

  2. Select the application and click Reject.

    A message appears saying, Are you sure you would like to reject this application?

  3. Click Yes.

    The Status field is set to Rejected.

Notifying Partner of Application Approval by Email

When you approve a partner to join a partner program, Siebel PRM informs the partner with an email from the brand owner.

Email notification is a workflow or business service that automatically sends a partner an email when their application is approved. The brand owner can copy this workflow and modify it for other purposes, for example, notifying partners that they were rejected or notifying partners that their memberships are about to expire. For more information, see "Activating the Partner Program Workflows".