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Siebel CRM Partner Relationship Management Administration Guide
Siebel 2018
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Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM

In general, the channel operations manager does the preliminary work of setting up Siebel PRM when it is first deployed. After this preliminary planning and administrative work is done, the channel manager can add new partner companies and employees.

To set up Siebel PRM, perform the following tasks:

  1. "Setting Up the Organization Structure for Siebel PRM". Organizations are one way to control the data people can see. For example, if a user displays the All Contacts view, the contacts in that user's organization appear. Organizations also provide structure to organize relationships with partners through the hierarchy, and provide a way to set up and group partner employees. You must plan the organization hierarchy for your own company and your partner companies.

  2. "Defining Partner Responsibilities". Responsibilities determine which views people can see. For example, employees have a responsibility that includes the My Contacts view, managers have a responsibility that also includes My Team's Contacts view, and higher managers have a responsibility that also includes the All Contacts view. You control which responsibilities are available to partners. You must create the appropriate responsibilities so they are available to assign to users when you add the users.

  3. "Setting Up Access Groups and Categories for Siebel PRM". You use access groups and categories to share master data, such as literature and products, with partners. Access groups are groups of partner companies to which you can assign master data, regardless of their place in the organization hierarchy. Categories are groupings of master data.

  4. "Creating Price Lists for Siebel PRM". The channel operations manager must create the appropriate price lists for partners, so the channel manager can assign these to new partner companies that are added.

  5. "Setting Up Automatic Routing of Information for Siebel PRM". Optionally, you use Siebel Business Process Designer and Siebel Assignment Manager to route data automatically. For example, you can automatically send email to partners when certain application events occur.

  6. "Adding Partner Companies and Employees". After you have done the preliminary work of setting up Siebel PRM, you can add partner companies and employees.

  7. "Creating CHAMP Metrics". If you are planning to use CHAMP planning to work with your partners, create CHAMP metrics.


If you are using Siebel Application Network for real-time integration, in addition to the setup tasks described in this chapter, you must perform the setup tasks described in Chapter 4, "Setting Up Application Services Interfaces for Siebel PRM."

Setting Up the Organization Structure for Siebel PRM

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

Siebel business Applications let you divide your business into organizations. Organizations usually represent businesses or divisions of businesses, and they are one way to control visibility to data. For example, when users choose All Contacts, they display the contacts in their own organization.

Each partner company is represented by one or more organizations. If you put multiple partner companies in one organization, then employees of one company can see data that belongs to the other company. You avoid this problem by putting companies in organizations of their own.

You can create a hierarchical organization structure, which has one organization under another.

When you create the organization structure, be aware that it affects visibility in the Pick Partner dialog box. Whenever channel managers use a dialog box that lists partners, the dialog box includes the partners in their own organization and in suborganizations of that organization. However, if the user has access to the All Partners Across Organizations view, then the Pick Partner dialog box includes partners in all organizations. This visibility in the Pick Partner dialog box makes it easier for partner managers to work with partner records. For more information about configuring visibility, see "Configuring Visibility for Siebel PRM".

You can set up your partner hierarchy in different ways, depending on your business requirements. For example, you can:

  • Set up the organization hierarchy so channel managers are in organizations of their own, and the partner companies that report to each manager are in organizations that are under that manager's organization. Then, when channel managers use the Pick Partner dialog box, the partner organizations that they manage are visible.

  • Set up organizations that reflect the structure of your partner programs. For example, you can set up one organization for your resellers, another for your service partners and a third for alliance partners. Channel manager employees would be placed in the organization for which they worked, and would have visibility to the partners belonging to that organization.

  • Set up an organization hierarchy structure where all partners report to the main brand owner organization. Channel manager employees would be a part of this main organization, so they would be able to see the partners when they use the Pick Partner dialog box.

If a partner company is large, you can create a hierarchical structure with multiple organizations for just that company. For example, if you assign opportunities to different regional divisions within a partner company, you can create a structure with one organization representing the entire partner company and organizations under it in the hierarchy representing its regional divisions. Then, you can assign an opportunity to a regional division so only that division can view it. This structure would also let you delegate the administration of each region to different administrators, have sales representatives and employees associated with the region in which they work, and organize other company data by region.

When your company first deploys Siebel PRM, the channel operations manager uses the Administration - Group screen to set up the overall organization structure, and uses the Administration - Partner screen to add organizations representing existing partners.

When your company adds new partners, channel managers use the Administration - Partner screen to add organizations representing the new partner companies. For more information on working with organizations using the Administration - Group screen, see Siebel Applications Administration Guide and Siebel Security Guide. For more information about adding a partner organization using the Administration - Partner screen, see Chapter 5, "Working with New Partners."


Always use the Administration - Partner screen to create organizations representing partner companies. Use the Administration - Group screen only to set up the overall organization structure. For example, to set up organizations for consulting partners, software partners, and so on. Do not use this screen for setting up organizations for individual partner companies.

Defining Partner Responsibilities

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

Responsibilities specify which views users can access.

For example, you can create the responsibilities of Salesperson, which includes the My Opportunities view; Sales Manager, which includes both the My Opportunities and My Team's Opportunities views; and Sales Director, which includes the My Opportunities, My Team's Opportunities, and All Opportunities views.

If you are using delegated administration, you make one partner employee the delegated administrator by assigning that employee the responsibility of Partner Operations Manager, which lets that partner employee see the delegated administration views of the Siebel PRM Portal. Then, while adding employees, the delegated administrator assigns them responsibilities that you have created.

An employee in your company (usually your system administrator) must create the responsibilities. To make sure that partner users are not given access to inappropriate data, delegated administrators at partner companies cannot create responsibilities. They can only select from the list of responsibilities to which you have given them access.

Use the Administration - Application screen, Responsibilities view to create responsibilities.

In the seed data that is distributed with Siebel PRM, all responsibilities on the Siebel PRM Manager side begin with "Channel," and all responsibilities on the Siebel PRM Portal side begin with "Partner." The responsibilities included in the seed data are shown in Table 3-1 and Table 3-2. Table 3-1 shows the responsibilities included in Siebel PRM seed data with views in Siebel PRM Portal.

Table 3-1 Responsibilities in Siebel PRM Seed Data with Views in Siebel PRM Portal

Responsibility Description

Partner Operations Manager

The main administrative role in the partner company, with access to the Delegated Administration views and most other views in the Siebel PRM Portal. This responsibility is given to a small number of users in the partner company.

Partner Relationship Manager

The manager at the partner company responsible for daily interactions with the brand owner. Has access to all views in the PRM Portal except administrative views, such as the Delegated Administration views.

Partner Sales Manager

The sales manager at the partner company. Has access to the My and My Team's views of all sales-related screens, but not to service screens.

Partner Sales Rep

The sales agent at the partner company. Reports to the partner sales manager. Has access to the My Views of all sales-related screens.

Partner Service Manager

The service manager at the partner company. Has access to the My and My Team's views of all service-related screens, but not to sales screens.

Partner Service Rep

The service agent at the partner company. Reports to the partner service manager. Has access to the My Views of all service-related screens.

Self-Registered Partner Agent

Self-registered partner. Has access to a limited set of views on the Siebel Partner Portal. Does not have access to views that display transactional data such as Opportunities, Accounts, Contacts or Orders.

Unregistered Partner Agent

An anonymous browser.

Table 3-2 shows the responsibilities included in Siebel PRM seed data with views in Siebel Partner Manager.

Table 3-2 Responsibilities in Siebel PRM Seed Data with Views in Siebel Partner Manager

Responsibility Description

Channel Executive

The channel executive at the brand owner. Has access to all views for sales and service, including all across organizations views. Also has access to partner sales, service and marketing analysis views, and to revenues, forecasting, CHAMP and reports and charts.

Channel Partner Manager

The manager at the brand owner company responsible for daily interactions with the partner. Has access to the My and My Teams views of all sales and service-related screens, to CHAMP screen, and to forecasting screen.

Channel Marketing Manager

The manager at the brand owner company responsible for marketing activities. Has access to all marketing-related views, including marketing administration views and other related views, such as views in the MDF, Contacts, and Opportunities screens.

Channel Operations Manager

The system administrator at the brand owner company responsible for setting up and maintaining Siebel PRM. Has access to all administration screens.

Setting Up Access Groups and Categories for Siebel PRM

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

Siebel business Applications include two different types of data:

  • Transactional Data. This is data that users can create, read, edit, and delete. For example, opportunities, accounts, contacts, and service requests. This data can be assigned to individuals, to groups of individuals (such as a sales team), or to organizations.

  • Master (or Referential) Data. This is data that users can only read, such as sales literature and service solutions. It is usually assigned to groups of users through access groups.

Channel managers use access groups and categories as follows to assign master data to partners:

  • Access groups. These are groups of parties, such as organizations, divisions, user lists or positions. Individuals such as contacts or employees cannot be assigned directly to an access group. If you want to add an individual partner to an access group, you must add the partner to a user list and assign the user list to the access group.

  • Categories. These are groups of data. For example, you might create a category with your product literature and frequently asked questions about a specific product line.

Before channel managers assign any master data to partner companies, the channel operations manager must analyze the way you need to share master data with your partners and create the appropriate categories and access groups.

For example, you have partners who sell different product lines that your company manufactures, such as servers and desktop computers. Some partners do not sell all of the products within a given product line; some might sell only the most powerful servers or the low-priced desktops. In this situation, you can create categories for the product lines you sell, and also create categories for each individual product that you sell, for each specific model of server and desktop computer. Then, you would associate sales literature, training courses, and other information about an entire product line with the appropriate category, and associate information about an individual product with the appropriate category.

Finally, you would create access groups for partners that sell each product line, such as Server Resellers and Desktop Resellers. Each of these access groups could have child access groups for each product within the product line. The access groups could then be associated with the appropriate catalogs and categories; for example, the server access group would be associated with the server catalog. The structure would be in place so that when partners are added to the access groups they get information about the product lines and the specific products they sell.

After the channel operations manager has done this initial work of setting up categories and access groups, the channel managers can assign data to partner companies. If you create new sales literature or a new training course, you associate it with the appropriate category to make it visible to the partners who need it. If you enroll a new partner, you associate it with the appropriate access groups to give it visibility to the master data it needs. For more information about working with categories and access groups, see Siebel Security Guide and Siebel eSales Administration Guide.

Creating Price Lists for Siebel PRM

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

Price lists are the only type of master data that is not assigned using access groups, because price lists are usually assigned to smaller groups of partner companies than other forms of master data.

For example, you might assign master data to an access group called resellers, but you might have a different price list for each reseller, or you might have a standard price list for most resellers but special price lists for five of your resellers.

When you first set up Siebel PRM, your channel operations manager has to set up the appropriate price lists for your partners. The channel managers can assign these price lists to new partner companies that they add. For more information about setting up price lists, see Siebel Pricing Administration Guide.

Setting Up Automatic Routing of Information for Siebel PRM

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

You can use Siebel Business Process Designer and Siebel Assignment Manager to automatically share information with your partners. The sample data shipped with Siebel PRM includes sample workflows that you might find useful.

Siebel Business Process Designer can provide automatic email or fax notification to partners under conditions that you specify. For example, whenever you assign a sales opportunity for more than $500,000 to a partner, Siebel Business Process Designer can automatically inform the partner by email that there is an important new opportunity.

Assignment Manager can automatically assign opportunities, service requests, and other data to the partner who is best able to work with them. You can create rules based on your partners' expertise, location, work load, and other conditions, and Assignment Manager automatically assigns data to the employee or partner who fits those rules. For example, it could assign a new service request to the employee or partner who has the required expertise, is in the correct location, and also has the fewest service requests in the queue.

For information about the workflows included in the Siebel PRM sample data, see "Activating Workflows for Siebel PRM". For more information about defining rules to allow automatic email notification and customizing notification messages, see Siebel Business Process Framework: Workflow Guide. For more information creating rules in Assignment Manager, see Siebel Assignment Manager Administration Guide.

Adding Partner Companies and Employees

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

After you have completed the preliminary work of planning the organization structure, creating responsibilities, and setting up access groups and categories, then you must add partner companies and employees.

For information about adding new partner companies and employees, see Chapter 5, "Working with New Partners."

Creating CHAMP Metrics

This task is a step in "Process of Setting Up Siebel PRM".

Channel and Alliance Management Process (CHAMP) helps brand owners and partners work collaboratively.

If you are using CHAMP planning, create metrics that let you measure your partners' performance when you are setting up Siebel PRM.

In your ongoing work with your partners, you create and execute initiatives and plans that will be evaluated using these metrics. For more information about CHAMP planning, see Chapter 7, "CHAMP Planning."