Testing Siebel Business Applications > Usage Pattern Tracking and Conversion to Keyword Scripts > Setting Up DISA >

Plugin Configurations

After installing the Plugin for Siebel Automation with DISA , you must update the unitconfig.xml file. The unitconfig.xml file will be available in the following location:

<DISA Installation Location>\DesktopIntSiebelAgent\plugins\SiebelTestAutomation\unitconfig.xml

Update the following XML tags under Mandatory_Params

Table 14.


Fully qualified URL of the application should be run while playing the script. [AutoOn mode is not required here.] For example: the URLS will be similar to : http://xyzcjzg.us.oracle.com:14440/siebel/app/fins/enu

This URL will be prepopulated (in the Popup) when you click the Play button.



User name to login to the application URL provided in the URL xml tag.


Different types of plaftforms and the supported browser versions for playing the Desktop_FireFox : Playback will be on Windows platform with Firefox browser are listed below.

Desktop_Chrome : Playback will be on Windows platform with Chrome browser.

Desktop_IE : Playback will be on Windows platform with IE browser.

Mobile_Safari : Playback will be on MAC IOS simulator platform with mobile safari browser. You must enter the optional Parameters in the unitconfig.xml.

Mobile_Chrome : Playback wil be on the Android device with chrome browser. You must enter the optional Parameters in the unitconfig.xml.

Mobile_SM_IOS : Playback will be on MAC IOS simulator platform with siebel mobile client. You must enter the optional Parameters in the unitconfig.xml.

Mobile_NativeBrowser: Playback will be on Android emulator with default native browser. You must enter the optional Parameters in the unitconfig.xml scripts.


To play the functional flow in Mobile or Simulators.

  • Download the java-client-4.1.1.jar (https://search.maven.org/#search|gav|1|g%3A%22io.appium%22%20AND%20a%3A%22java-client%22 download version 4.1.1) and copy it to <DISA Installation Location>\DesktopIntSiebelAgent\plugins\SiebelTestAutomation\Framework\lib folder.
  • Download the plink.exe (http://originaldll.com/file/plink.exe/30162.html) and pscp.exe and copy it to <DISA Installation Location>\DesktopIntSiebelAgent\plugins\SiebelTestAutomation\Framework\exe folder.
  • Add the appropriate values for the OPTIONAL_PARAMS parameter in the unitconfig.xml file.
    1. MOBILE-IP : IP address of Android device, simulator, emulator.
    2. MOBILE-OS :Android or iOS based upon browser.
    3. MOBILE-PORT: 4444 (The port number specified here is for example purpose).
    4. MAC-USERNAME : Mac Machine User Name
    5. MAC-PASSWORD : Mac Machine Password
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