Testing Siebel Business Applications > Keywords Reference > Keywords Description >


You use the VerifyValue keyword to verify a field value by comparing the field value with a user variable (input value).


The VerifyValue keyword supports the following signature:


Note the following about the VerifyValue keyword signature:

  • If performing the action on tile applets, then the tile index and row number must start with one.
  • The row number is optional. If RowNum is not specified, then RowNum defaults to the first row.
  • The following operators are supported: greater than (>), greater than or equal to (>=), less than (<), less than or equal to (<=), not equals (<>), contains, startswith, endswith, LIKE, etc.

Desktop Examples

The following table describes how to use the VerifyValue keyword to verify a field value by comparing the field value with a user variable (input value) in desktop applications.

Target Object
Closing Action

Contact List Applet|StartDate



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

Opportunity List Applet|Committed



Verifies the check box field value by comparing it with the input value.

Contact List Applet|M/M|2



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

SIS Account List Applet|Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

SIS Account List Applet|Name|2



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

Contact List Applet|Last Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value, starts with Ab.

SIS Account List Applet|Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value, not equal to A.

Opportunity List Applet|Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

Opportunity List Applet|Name



"Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

Mobile Examples

The following table describes how to use the VerifyValue keyword to verify a field value by comparing the field value with a user variable (input value) in mobile applications (on mobile devices).

Target Object
Closing Action

SHCE Sales Account List Applet - Mobile|Name|4

=,AG Edwards & Sons, Inc


Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

SHCE Sales Account List Applet - Mobile|Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value.

SHCE Sales Account List Applet - Mobile|Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value, starts with Ab.

SHCE Sales Account List Applet - Mobile|Name



Verifies the field value by comparing it with the input value, not equal to A.

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