Siebel Developer's Reference > Siebel Web Engine Tags > Threadbar Tags >

Example of Using the Threadbar Tags

To use a threadbar, you insert threadbar tags in an appropriate web template. For example:

<div od-type="threadbar">
... HTML ...
<div od-iterator="threadIterator">
... HTML...
<div od-type="threadlink" property="FormattedHtml">
<span class="threadbar"><nobr><div od-property="Title"/></nobr></span>
<!--od section threadlink close->
... HTML ...
<div od-type="threadseparator">
<span class="threadbardiv">&nbsp;&gt;&nbsp;</span>
<!--od section iterator close->
... HTML ...
... HTML ...
<!--od section threadbar close->

This code creates the following threadbar:

Home > Consumer:PCs > PCs:Laptops

If your Siebel Business Application:

  • Uses frames. Put the tags in the web template that contains the view bar frame or the web template that contains the view frame.
  • Does not use frames. Put the tags in a container page, such as the PageContainer web template.
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