Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) Master Data Management Reference > Configuring the Survivorship Settings for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) > Configuring Survivorship Settings for Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) >

Example of Configuring Any Child Entity Survivorship for Haley Rules Engine

The following example shows how you configure Haley Rules Engine to support survivorship of a child object (in this example, Personal Address).

To create a new integration object in Siebel Tools

  1. In the Object Explorer, choose Business Object, then choose a business object with Personal Address as its primary business component.
  2. Locate, or create the business object component UCM Personal Address Attribute Data.
  3. Create an integration object called UCMPersonalAddressAttributeData on the Personal Address business object.
  4. Make Personal Address the parent integration component and UCM Personal Address Attribute Data as the child integration component.
  5. Deploy your changes to Siebel Runtime Repository.

To import the parent and child integration components into HaleyAuthority

  1. From HaleyAuthority, select File, Import, then Siebel Object to start Siebel Object Importer.
  2. Specify the design database and run-time database.
  3. Select the following:
    • Business object: Personal Address
    • Business components: Personal Address, UCM Personal Address Attribute Data
    • Any fields that will be used by HaleyAuthority to write your rule

      NOTE:  The Id field of the main entity (in this example, Personal Address) must be imported into HaleyAuthority.

  4. In HaleyAuthority, create a new module within the existing AKB file called ucmsuvivorshiprules for Personal Address survivorship rules.

    NOTE:  New entity survivorship rule modules must be added into the existing survivorship knowledge base: ucmsurvivorshiprules.akb. If you decide to use a different survivorship knowledge base, you must change the KnowledgeBaseName user property of the UCM Survivorship Engine business service to reflect the name of the new survivorship knowledge base.

  5. Write survivorship rules in the new module, and note the following:
    • When Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) passes data to HaleyAuthority Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) the keywords "Master"/"Slave" are added in front of the record's real rowid values. For example "Master88-7AFGR", "Slave88-965ET". This way, rules can be written in HaleyAuthority to distinguish Master from Slave records.
    • Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) processes Haley rule results in the following way: Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) end dates Victim records from Master records, and creates a Winner from the Slave record, also creates the Victim-from-Slave but end dates the record. There is no further Tie situation handling upon receiving Haley's output. As a result:
    • Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) expects Haley to return: Haley rules must explicitly set the Victim on Master records and set the Winner on Slave records. Master records not set as Victim are taken by Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) as a Winner records; Slave records not set as Winner are taken as Victim. To set a record as a Winner or a Victim append the key words Winner or Victim to the id field of the affected records. For example: "Master88-7AFGRVictim", "Slave88-965ETWinner". Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) parses the ID phrases and acts accordingly. Additionally, Haley rules must process Tie situations. It is suggested you be consistent with the Entity Survivorship Rule Set Default Criteria.
  6. From HaleyAuthority select Tools, Siebel Deployment, then select the new module and click OK to deploy it back to Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).
  7. In Oracle Customer Hub (UCM) navigate to Administration - Business Rules, then Business Rule Knowledge Base
  8. In the Rule Modules list, select the newly deployed Rule Module.
  9. In the Business Object field, click the Select button, then in the Pick Business Object popup, query for Personal Address.
  10. In the Rule Module Relations list, create the following new records:
    • Personal Address
    • UCM Personal Address Attribute Data
  11. In the Rule Modules list, click Activate.
  12. Activate the rules just deployed in the Siebel run-time database by doing the following:
    1. Navigate to Administration - Universal Customer Master, then Entity Survivorship Rules.
    2. Create a new rule set with the field value rule, or modify an existing rule.

      For Default Criteria or Comparison Rule, choose External and pick Business Rule Service for Business Service Name, RunRules for Business Service Method, then pick the new rule module name for Rule Module Name, then enter other required field values.

  13. Restart Oracle Customer Hub (UCM).
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