Connect ILOM to the Netra X5 for Communications

Use the following procedure to make a connection to the Netra X5-2 for Communications Oracle Integrated Lights Out Manager (ILOM) port. For a remote permanent connection to the Service Processor over the ILOM connection, use the rear panel NET MGT port.


Keep Ethernet cables separated from power cables by at least 60mm where possible and never run them in the same channel of the rack without segregation.
  • Category 6 (or better) Ethernet cable with RJ-45 jacks
  1. Locate the cable to connect to the Netra X5-2 for Communications.
  2. Plug the RJ-45 connector into the ILOM port.

    Figure 1-20 Connecting to ILOM Port

    This image displays the rear view of the X5-2 and labels the interface, per the image title.
  3. Lead the cable neatly away from the rear panel.
  4. Connect the other end of the cable to the LAN.
  • Refer to the Netra X5-2 for Communications hardware documentation for information on how to configure the Web browser application to connect to the console, and how to establish communications with the Netra X5-2 for Communications.