User Access Levels & Adding New Users

There are two types of access levels on the Oracle Construction & Engineering Support Portal, Basic and Admin.

Basic User

Can create, view, and update their own questions.

Admin User

To add a new user from within your organization:

  1. After you have signed in, select your email address at the top right corner of your dashboard and select User Provisioning.
  2. Fill out the first name, last name, and email fields in the form.
  3. At this point, you can decide whether to add someone as a basic or admin user.
    • If you want to add someone as a basic user, select Submit.
    • To create an admin user, select the applicable organization from the Assign Organization(s)/Instance(s) dropdown.

      Your organization might be listed across more than one instance, so you can select each occurrence in the dropdown list if you like, depending on what access you want the new user to have.

      Each organization is listed with the product name (for example, Textura Payment Management), organization name, and the Instance/server it is registered on.

      For example: TPM-SevenCorporation-US1.

  4. After you have made your selection, select Submit.

    Note: If you need to revoke access for an existing user or if you need to change a user from an Admin user to a Basic user, please contact Support by asking a question.

What happens next?

The new user will receive an email verifying their details along with instructions to complete setting up their account.

Last Published Thursday, September 5, 2024