Updating the My Organisation Profile Page for Subcontractors

To update your organisation profile on the My Organisation Profile page:

  1. Navigate to the My Organisation Profile Page


    • This page will display automatically as a part of the account setup process.
    • Only Enterprise Administrators can edit an organisation. If you are the first user in your organisation, you are an Enterprise Administrator by default.
  2. In the General Information section, complete all required fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk.
  3. In the Tax ID field, enter your Tax ID or ABN.
  4. Set the Default Translation to English-Australia.
  5. Optional. Select and update business settings.
  6. In the Bank Information section, complete all required fields. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. Fields required for payment are marked with blue asterisks.

    Note: Only Enterprise Administrators in your organisation can see or change your bank account information. Once entered, only the last four digits of the bank account number will display on this page.

    See our online help to learn about how to protect your bank account information.

    The above link opens in a new tab.

  7. Select the Save Changes button.
    • A Success page appears, confirming you saved the page.
    • If you are the first account user in your organisation and have not yet purchased the TPM product, you will need to go to the Oracle Cloud Store to complete the provisioning process. Check your inbox for a store registration email.
  8. Optional. Select the My Organisation Settings link to go to a page to select additional settings for your organisation.

You can read more about your organisation profile in the online help documentation. The help documentation includes additional topics about all available fields and banking information found on the My Organisation Profile page.

Return to the Getting Started tasks on the Oracle Help Centre.

Note: Selecting one of the above links will open the page in a new browser tab.

Next Step: Choose organisation settings.

Last Published Wednesday, May 1, 2024