Confirming a Contract for Subcontractors

To participate as a Subcontractor in a project on the system, you must confirm the contract.

Missing an invitation?

Only Administrators can confirm contracts. If you have not received an invitation, log in to Textura to see if you were assigned a project task. This is helpful if you elected not to receive email notifications. You can request for your Head Contractor to resend the invitation. For further troubleshooting, contact Oracle Support.

To confirm a contract:

  1. Navigate to the Confirm Contract Page for Subcontractors
  2. On the Confirm Contract page, review your contract information.


    • The usage fee for this project is displayed and will be taken from your bank account or charged to your credit card once you select Confirm.
    • You cannot accept a contract if your country location does not match the country where the funding organisation's bank is located. If you cannot accept the contract for this reason, please contact support. You will need to create a new organisation on Textura with with banking information in the country of the project in which you are participating to accept the contract.
    • Oracle does not allow Subcontractor usage fees to be paid by cheque. Before your contract can be accepted or completed, you must update your organisation profile to select a different payment method.
  3. Choose Confirm.

    The usage fee is immediately collected, and a Status page indicates the contract has been confirmed.


You can see also read about Confirming a Contract in the online help documentation.

This concludes your account setup process. For more help with using TPM, see our online help documentation. View the Help System topic to learn how to use the online help while using the TPM application.

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Last Published Wednesday, May 1, 2024