Draw Performance Overview for Owners

The Draw Performance dashboard provides an aggregate average of days for each event in the invoice workflow.

You can use the Draw Performance dashboard to compare your project's actual values with targets set by your organization. In the Key Metrics section, a green indicator will display if the actual average is below the set target. If the value exceeds the target, an orange indicator will display. The details table values will highlight in red if a value is exceeds the target.

To assign a Targets for your organization, navigate to your organization's Edit Primary Organization page within TPM. On the right hand side of the screen there will be an option to configure Textura Analytics target values.

Note: Changes to the target values will be reflected in Analytics after the next data load.

Defined Filters

The default loads all segments, projects, draws and vendors. Reset returns to the default state.

Key Metrics


Column List (Across the portfolio)

Within the Details table, click on a project to show all invoices submitted for that project and their draw performance dates and timing.

Column List


Last Published Tuesday, February 6, 2024