Available Endpoints

TPM Data Service offers the following endpoints:

  1. To view supported tables and columns:
    • Metadata Tables Endpoint: Use this endpoint to return list of all the tables owned by the schema user given in respective configuration.



    Method: GET

    • Metadata Columns Endpoint: Use this endpoint to return list of all columns of the given table owned by the schema user given in respective configuration.

      Syntax :


    Method: GET

    Example: To get list of columns of table w_payment_d


  2. To retrieve data using Longrunquery endpoint

    LongRunquery Endpoint: Use this endpoint to run queries asynchronously against the data available



    Header: Content-Type: application/json

    Method: POST

    Example:To query data of PAYMENT_OBJECT_ID, PROJECT_OBJECT_ID, CONTRACT_OBJECT_ID from w_payment_d using following JSON input:


    "name": "Test",

    "pageSize": "1000",

    "tables": [


    "tableName": "W_PAYMENT_D",

    "columns": [








The above endpoint will return a unique key like "e554174b-7acd-4745-ada4-c6517a25bb0b". Provide this in next request to fetch the result:

Url: https://<base_url>/ebis/api/v1/dataservice/longrunquery/result/<KEY>

Method: GET

The JSON query will be processing in the backend until it is completed, this will return Processing as the result. Once the processing is completed it will return the result set.

Sample JSON Response


"data": {



"PAYMENT_OBJECT_ID": "999683",





"PAYMENT_OBJECT_ID": "999684",





"PAYMENT_OBJECT_ID": "1000088",










"PAYMENT_OBJECT_ID": "1048509",





"pagination": [


"nextTableName": "W_PAYMENT_D",

"nextKey": "1001"



"safetyDate": [


"queryName": "Test",

"sinceDate": "2011-11-15 14:27:49 -0500"





Last Published Tuesday, February 6, 2024