
The following sections provide information about the TPM Data Service security model, and suggest practices for using the data service securely.

Transport Level Security using HTTPS

The TPM Data Service supports the HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol over Secure Socket Layer) to ensure secure communication between clients and the data service. All requests to the data service must be sent using the HTTPS For security reasons, HTTP is not supported and a protocol.

All requests to the data service must be sent over HTTPS, which ensures sensitive data is encrypted. The HTTPS protocol utilizes Transport Layer Security (TLS) to prevent third parties from accessing data as it is transmitted. Servers provide authorized certificates in order to authenticate their identity over HTTPS connections. Tools such as curl and modern web browsers verify the integrity of the server certificates before sending request data over HTTPS in order to guarantee your data is sent to your intended recipient. TPM data service does not support insecure connections over HTTP. The combination of Authentication and the HTTPS protocol provides a convenient way to authenticate your requests to the data service while ensuring your sensitive data remains secure.

Authentication Using curl

To authenticate using curl, pass the <username>:<password> for your TPM Data service account using the -u curl option:

-u <username>:<password>

-H "Accept:application/json" -X GEThttps://<url>/ebis/api/v1/dataservice/<endpoint>

Note: Text surrounded in < > indicates a variable. You must replace variables with your own data to run the examples in this documentation. For example, replace the <username> variable with your username.

The variables in the previous example should be replaced with the following information when accessing the data service:

Data Security

Asynchronous run query (longrunquery) is the only end point from which TPM Data service application accesses the source Textura analytics Datawarehouse. While querying the the source Textura Analytics Datawarehouse, only the requested user accessible data only will be returned in the longrunquery JSON Result set.

Last Published Tuesday, February 6, 2024