REST Style Architecture

The TPM API employs web-based technology to handle requests from external client programs. Clients access the web service by sending HTTPS requests that include standard HTTPS methods.

The TPM API supports the following HTTPS request methods:

Method Description
POST Creates an export or import job.
GET Returns the result of an export job or the audit information of an import job.

Upon receiving a POST request, TPM invokes business and security logic to service the request and provide an appropriate response. The request is processed asynchronously by TPM. If there are too many requests, they can be queued and processed when resources become available in TPM.

The GET request is used after the POST request. It returns the audit response related to an import job or the data requested on an export job. TPM returns a 200 response code and the audit/data when the original request (from the POST call) is complete. TPM returns a 202 response code if the request is still pending. You may need to perform multiple GET requests to receive the audit/data from TPM. If you receive a 202 response code, you should wait one minute and make the GET request again. Continue making the GET request until a 200 response code is returned.

Learn more about REST and JSON.