1a Subcontracts



This API allows the user to import subcontract(s), using a unique combination of the parameters: ContractNumber, VendorID, and MainJobNumber. If the subcontract does not exist in Texura, Textura will create a new subcontract with the specified values. If the subcontract does exist in Textura and if the subcontract has not been completed (accepted by the subcontractors), the existing subcontract will be replaced with the subcontract import data.There are certain pre-conditions for a successful transaction:
  • General Contractor is assigned to an SWS accounting package
  • The Project has a unique internal project number set on the project
  • General Contractor has not invited any subs for the projecty
  • The REST Client payload or import file is prepared and ready for import
A URI is sent as a response to a succesful import POST. Sending a GET to the URI, provides the user with an audit file for the import. For an example of a more detailed payload, see the example section below.


Header Parameters
Supported Media Types
Request Body - application/json ()
  • application/json
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

The job was successfully created.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source
  • Endpoint for job-audit retrieval
    Example: https://services.texturacorp.com/ebis/api/v1/import/insert-contracts/61

Default Response

Links to working URLs
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