1b Prime Change Orders Audit



Prime Contract Change Order(s) imported through this API, with a unique combination of MainJobNumber and ChangeOrderNumber will be created in Textura. This will create new SOV lines and phase codes within the prime contracts schedule of values. Otherwise, it will reallocate amounts between existing phase codes. In order to use this API, certain conditions must be met:
  1. GC is assigned the SWS accounting package.
  2. GC has created the project.
  3. Subcontract is created.
  4. PCCO import file is ready for use.


Path Parameters
Header Parameters

There's no request body for this operation.

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Supported Media Types

200 Response

Audit data included in response payload.
Body ()
Root Schema : schema
Type: object
Show Source

202 Response

Accepted. Encountered when the requestor has asked for request export data or an audit log, but the request is still in process.

Default Response

Links to working URLs
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