General Contractor Report Details

Here are the reports that are available for General Contractors, including listings of all output fields per report.

Related Topics

Accounts Payable Aging Report

Accounts Payable Report

All Users by Project Report

All Users with Roles Report

Attachments Report

Audit Supplier Qualifications Report

Awaiting Submission Report

Billing by Breakout Codes Report

Business Status Report

Change Order Log Report

Change Order Mapping Report

Compliance Audit Report

Compliance Requirement Settings Report

Compliance Status Report

Compliance Submission Report

Sub-Tier Status Report

Component Cost Code Report

Disbursable Report

Disbursed Report

Draw Calendar Report

Draw Payment Summary Report

Draws Initiated Report

Due Dates and Responses Report

EPP Funder Response Report

EPP Performance Report

EPP Revenue Report

ERP Integration Receipts Report

Enterprise Wide Disbursement Reports

Exported Records Report

Filtered and Selected Payments Reports

Hours Worked Report

Incomplete Contracts Report

Invited Subcontractors Report

Invoice Export Report

Invoice Reversal Report

Lien Waiver Status Report

Lien Waivers Uploaded Report

Manage Draw Payments Report

Minority Tracking Report

Offline Notary Tracking Report

Open Draws Report

Organizational Change Audit Report

Owner Billing with Invoice Codes Report

Owner Funding Report

Payment Export Report

Payment Reconciliation Report

Payments Held Report

Payments Held and Hold Release Audit Report

Pending or Disbursed Manual Check Report

Potential Change Order/Variation Log

Project Compliance Report

Project Level Disbursable Report

Project Listing Report

Project Settings Report

Project Supplier Tracking Details Report

Project Supplier Tracking Summary Report

Project User Role Audit Report

Project User Role Exception Report

Requested Change Order/Variation Log

Schedule of Values with GC Line Codes Report

Signing Report

SoV Adjustment Detail Report

Stored Materials Detail Report

Sub SoV Line Item By Draw Report

Subcontract Component Listing Report

Subcontract Component Listing Report (Grouped by Subcontractor)

Subcontract Invoice Status Report

Subcontract Reconciliation Report

Subcontract Retention Report

Subcontractor Direct Enrollment Report

Subcontractor Draw Detail Report

Subcontracts with Vendor Information

Sub-Tiers Not Included in Draw Report

TPA Enrollment Audit Report

TPA Funding Report

TPA Funding Reconciliation Report

TPA Invoices Audit Report

TPA Maturity Aging Report

TPA Maturity Reconciliation Report

TPA Metering Report

TPA Performance Self Funding Report

Unapproved Invoice Report

Unifier Invoice Report

Variable Discount Terms Report

Audit Reports

Draw Reports

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024