Supplier Tracking

Release 24.9

View and Update Diversity Status Across All Projects

Applies to Subcontractor

Subcontractors can use the new My Supplier Tracking Qualifications page to view and update diversity values and certifications submitted to all general contractors.

A screenshot of the My Supplier Tracking Qualifications page, which shoes the organization, approved values, and earliest expiration date for submitted diversity values. The option to edit is also present.

Edit Certification Requirement for Custom Supplier Tracking Values

Applies to General Contractor

Edit a Supplier Tracking program, and then update the certification requirement for a custom value. Previously, it was necessary to delete and recreate a custom value to edit this value.

A screenshot of a program in edit mode. The Do not require a certification checkbox is present for a custom value.

Release 24.8

Filter by Program on the Project Supplier Tracking Details Report

 General Contractor

When generating the Project Supplier Tracking Details report, you can now select the Supplier Diversity Program to include.

Filter by Program on the Project Supplier Tracking Details Report

Release 24.7

Edit Goals for Diversity Programs

 General Contractor

You can now edit existing percentage values for diversity program goals. Previously it was necessary to delete and recreate these values.

Edit Goals for Diversity Programs

Release 24.6

Evaluate Subcontractor Commitments on the Supplier Tracking Summary Report

 Owner  General Contractor

Columns are added to the Supplier Tracking Summary report to track whether subcontractors have met their DEI commitments, and the percentage and dollars paid towards those commitments.

Release 24.4

Simplified Supplier Tracking Page for Subcontractors


The View and Edit actions are consolidated on the Supplier Tracking page, and now only Edit displayed. Use this action to both view and update supplier tracking values for sub-tiers.

A screenshot of the Supplier Tracking page. Only the Edit action is present.

Release 24.3

Track Supplier Diversity Values for Additional Organization Roles

General Contractor   Sub Contractor Sub-Tiers

DEI values can now be added and tracked for Architects, Supervisory Orgs, Title Companies, Funds Disburser, Interfaces Consolidated Org, and Notice Lending Organizations.

A screenshot of the My Organization Profile page. The organization role is set to Architect, and a supplier tracking value has been added.

Release 24.2

View Parent Organizations for Supplier Qualifications

General Contractor

The Supplier Qualifications tab in Supplier Tracking now displays the parent organization. If the organization is a sub-tier, the contract number of the parent organization is also displayed in parenthesis.

A screenshot of the Supplier Qualifications tab of the Supplier Tracking page. A new column is present for parent organization.

Release 24.1

Track DEI Approvals with the Audit Supplier Qualifications Report

 General Contractor

Run the new Audit Supplier Qualifications report to view DEI values submitted by suppliers, and approval status.

A screen shot of the new Audit Supplier Qualifications report. Details such as organization name, value, value status, and approver are displayed.

Supplier Tracking

Compliance Tasks Added for Expiring DEI Certifications

 Subcontractor  Sub-tier

Tasks are now sent to update DEI certification details 90 days before expiration, including values you have submitted on behalf of sub-tiers.


Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024