Textura 24.4

Project Setup

Use Contract Specific Documents to Customize Billing Document Requirements

 Owner   General Contractor

Access the new Contract Specific Documents feature from Project Settings, or the Project Setup menu. Create custom document sets, and then assign them to different subcontractors and sub-tiers.

Make Documentation Requirement Changes for an Open Draw

Owner   General Contractor

Select new billing documentation requirements, and they will apply immediately, even to an open draw. This applies to changes made on the Project Settings page, or through the Contract Specific Documents feature. If an organization has generated or submitted a document using the old format, it will need to be rejected, and resubmitted against the new document requirements.

A screenshot of the Project Settings page, showing the documentation requirements.


The Invoice Control Log Now Retains Details of Invoices Removed from a Draw

 Owner  General Contractor

Use the Invoice Control Log to view the history of invoices removed from a draw. This includes invoices removed due to draw closure, or because the draw was declined by the subcontractor.

A screenshot of an invoice control log.

Improved Invoice Rejection Messaging

Owner General Contractor

Warnings are now displayed when rejecting an invoice, detailing the draws that will be rejected and require resubmission, and other consequences of rejecting the invoice.

A screenshot of the invoice rejection messaging. Warning are displayed, including details on draws that will be rejected.


Improved Numbering for Invoices Reinvited to a Draw

Owner General Contractor

Invoice numbers are now correctly appended when an invoice is rejected, removed from the draw, then reinvited to participate in the same draw. This reduces integration errors.

A screenshot of the Integration Home page, an Invoice Number is highlighted.

Supplier Tracking

Simplified Supplier Tracking Page for Subcontractors


The View and Edit actions are consolidated on the Supplier Tracking page, and now only Edit displayed. Use this action to both view and update supplier tracking values for sub-tiers.

A screenshot of the Supplier Tracking page. Only the Edit action is present.


Improved Record Sub-Tiers Workflow

 General Contractor  Subcontractor  Sub-tier

Current Payment on Record Sub-Tiers is editable by Sub-Tiers. Sub-Tiers are able to adjust the value entered by the parent organization. The previous paid field in the subsequent draw will reflect the latest adjusted amount.

Improved Record Sub-Tiers Workflow

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024