Textura 24.7


Tasks Added for Lien Waiver Non-Compliance


Subcontractors will now receive compliance tasks on the Project Home page for missing lien waivers, including those from their sub-tiers. Click on a task to open the Manage Lien Waivers page for the draw requiring lien waivers.

Tasks Added for Lien Waiver Non-Compliance

Supplier Tracking

Edit Goals for Diversity Programs

 General Contractor

You can now edit existing percentage values for diversity program goals. Previously it was necessary to delete and recreate these values.

Edit Goals for Diversity Programs


Excel Download Utility Integrated with Reports

 General Contractor  Subcontractor

The look and feel of the Excel Download Utility has been updated to match the Generate Reports functionality. Run a report, and then download it on the View Reports page.

Excel Download Utility Integrated with Reports

Bug Fixes

The following bugs are resolved in this release:

Last Published Wednesday, July 10, 2024