Updating Lien Waiver Status

To update the General Contractor approval status of a Sub-Tier lien waiver on the Manage Lien Waivers or Manage Lien Waivers by Draw page:

  1. Select the View link from the View LW or View CLW column to see a lien waiver and review it for accuracy.
  2. From the drop-down list in each row of the GC Approval column, update the lien waiver status for an organization:
    • Final: A final lien waiver was received and approved.
    • N/A: A lien waiver is not necessary.
    • Not Received: A lien waiver has been requested, but has not been submitted.
    • Progress: A partial lien waiver was received and approved.
    • Reject: The submitted lien waiver is not approved. The application sends a notification to the Sub-Tier about the rejection and the status changes to Not Received when a user Saves Changes
    • Resubmit: An uploaded lien waiver was rejected, and a new one has not been received.
    • Unapproved: A lien waiver has been uploaded, but has not been approved.
  3. Select the Save Changes button.
    • A Success! Your data was saved message displays at the top of the page.
    • Emails are sent to organizations with status changes.
      • The approval for a rejected on-system organization changes to Not Received.
      • The approval for a rejected manually uploaded lien waiver from Lien Waiver Only Sub-Tiers or Manual Contractors changes to Resubmit.

Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024