Deleting Uploaded Lien Waivers

Prime Subcontractor Warning: Only General Contractors can delete a lien waiver they uploaded. If the General Contractor uploaded a lien waiver for your Sub-Tier, and you want to replace it, you will need to contact the General Contractor.

To delete an uploaded lien waiver from the Manage Lien Waivers page:

  1. Navigate to the Manage Lien Waivers Page
  2. Select the View link.

    A View Sub-Tier Lien Waiver dialog box appears.

  3. Choose the red X to delete the uploaded file.

    The dialog box confirms the attachment was deleted.

  4. Choose the Close button.

    The dialog box closes and the View link changes to an Upload link.


    • The red X appears only for lien waivers with a status of either Resubmit or Unapproved.
    • The Resubmit status appears only after the waiver has been rejected.

Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024