Editing Commitments

Commitments are goals which are tracked at the Prime Subcontractor level.

To edit supplier tracking commitments from the Supplier Tracking page:

  1. Navigate to the Supplier Tracking Page
  2. From the Supplier Tracking page, select the View Details button for a program.

    The Allocation tab displays.

  3. From the Allocation tab, select the Edit Commitments button.

    A Prime Subcontractor Commitments pane opens on the right side of the page.

  4. From the pane, choose to track commitments by either a Fixed amount or a Percentage of the contract.
  5. In the Total column for a commitment, enter a percentage between 0 and 100. This is the total percentage of the values tracked for a Subcontractor. You can enter a different percentage for each organization.
  6. Optional. Add a percentage in the column for each tracked value. The sum of each column in a row cannot exceed the value in the Total column.
  7. Optional. Select the No Commitment check box if you do not need a Subcontractor to fulfill a set supplier tracking commitment.
  8. Select Close.

    The pane closes and the table calculations update to reflect your changes.

Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024