Analysis Supplier Tracking Fields Overview

After setting up commitments from the Allocation tab of the Supplier Tracking page, you can select the Analysis tab to see a more detailed view of the goals set for your supplier tracking program.

Note: Only organizations with set commitments display in this table. If you chose the No Commitment option for a Subcontractor, you will not see their name or Sub-Tiers.

Two bars at the top of the page track the progress toward your program goals. The first bar shows how close you are to fulfilling your contract commitments while the second shows progress toward the paid to date goal.


Lists the name of the Subcontractor and Sub-Tier Subcontractors. The Prime Subcontractor is listed below the General Contractor and the Sub-Tier Subcontractors nest beneath their Prime Subcontractor. When a Sub-Tier Subcontractor is configured, the Prime Subcontractor amounts will display against Self line.

Applicable Contract Value

The total amount of the contract tracked toward the certification value goal. This value is compared to the Paid to Date % of Commitment value to determine whether an organization is fulfilling goal commitments.

Commitment Percent

The total percentage of the classification commitment the listed organization committed to completing.


The Applicable Contract Value multiplied by the Commitment Percent.

Paid to Date % of Commitment

The percentage value of funds paid toward a commitment.

Paid to Date

The value of funds paid toward a committed goal.

Prime Contribution %

The contributed value a Prime Contractor reported towards a committed goal.

Sub-Tier Contribution %

The contributed value a Sub-Tier Subcontractor reported toward a committed goal.

Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024