Allocation Supplier Tracking Fields Overview


Lists the name of the Subcontractor and Sub-Tier Subcontractors. The Prime Subcontractor is listed below the General Contractor and the Sub-Tier Subcontractors nest beneath their Prime Subcontractor. When a Sub-Tier Subcontractor is configured, the Prime Subcontractor amounts will display against Self line. Select the organization name to view an Organization Information pane on the right side of the page.

The Organization Information pane shows the Job Type (Direct or General Conditions), the organization's Self-Identified Supplier Tracking Values, and a section for tracked values in the supplier tracking program.

See Changing a Percentage of a Payment for a Classification Value for more information on how to use these fields.

Hover over the Question Mark Icon to view additional details about the organization, including the Contract Number, Organization Type, Service, and Contract Amount. If you are viewing a Sub-Tier, you can select the Edit Sub-Tier link to update the Sub-Tier's organization information on the Edit Sub-Tier page.

Contract Number

Displays the subcontract number or purchase order number for the Subcontractor.

Contract Type

Specifies the type of contract in relation to working on TPM. Types include:

Contract Amount

Lists the total amount of the subcontract.

Paid to Date

Shows the amount paid to the Subcontractor toward the commitment, including pending payments.

Percent Complete

The percentage of work completed on a contract.


The tracked DEI classification value for an organization. If a Subcontractor has more than one value, this table tracks the value given the highest tracking priority.

See Working with the Alllocation Tab of the Supplier Tracking Page for more information about how to use this column.

Percent Applied

The percentage value of funds paid toward a committed goal.

Commitment Status

Shows whether an organization's commitment was met or not. A Warning icon Warning icon displays when there is an outstanding commitment.

Expiration Date

The date when a submitted classification document expires. If a document expires, you will need to upload a new one to verify your DEI classification status.

Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024