Creating and Using Document Sets for Owners


When your organization acts as a General Contractor on a project, you have access to the same project control actions and settings as a General Contractor organization. This includes additional options when choosing project settings and selecting project documents.

Document sets offer users with the Create Projects user permission flexibility and control over which billing documents organizations will interact with when working on your project. Either use a singular document set as a default for all on-system Subcontractors or Lien Waiver only Sub-Tiers (LW Subs) or create and assign a unique document set to specific contracts.

Each document set for an on-system organization will include at least an invoice document and unconditional lien waiver option, but you can also include a sworn statement, conditional lien waiver, pay-app cover sheet, and draft invoice. A document set for LW Subs must include an unconditional lien waiver, but you can also require a conditional lien waiver.

Note: Only users with the Create Projects user permission can create, update, and view document sets. For more information on user permissions available to you while working as a General Contractor on a project, see the User Permissions List for General Contractors topic.

Watch the Creating Contract Specific Documents video for how to create and assign document sets to specific contracts.

Serial Approval and Document Sets

Serial Signatory Approval requires multiple Approvers to approve an invoice in a specific order. If you plan on using serial approval on either a single contract or as the default approval method on a project, you need to make sure the number of approvers assigned to a contract matches the number of approvers supported by your selected document.

See Serial Approval Scenarios for Owners for four different ways to set up serial approval on the application.


Additional Resources

Related Topics

Serial Approval Scenarios for Owners

Navigate to the Document Sets Page

Working with the Document Sets Page for Owners

Creating a Document Set for Owners

Assign Document Sets for Owners

Additional Information

Frequently Asked Questions

Serial Approval Scenarios

Last Published Wednesday, April 3, 2024