Recording Payments Made to Sub-Tiers

To record payment information:

  1. Navigate to your Billing Workflow for Subcontractors
  2. From your Billing Workflow, select the Record Sub-Tiers tab.

    Note: If the period does not include payments to Sub-Tier Subcontractors or Suppliers, select Proceed to confirm that you are not adding suppliers to a project before selecting the Save & Continue button to move on to the next step in the workflow.

  3. (Optional) Add Sub-Tier Subcontractors and Suppliers. Include all Suppliers and organisations you are going to pay through the project.
    1. Select Add New Sub Tier.

      A dialogue box opens.

    2. In the dialogue box, enter the name of the Sub-Tier in the Organisation Name field.


      • If your Suppliers are required to statutory declarations on the system, use the auto-complete feature.
      • When you start entering an organisation's name, auto-complete shows a drop-down list of matching organisations on the system.
    3. Enter Location information.

      Required Fields:

      • Country
      • City
      • State
      • Postal Code
      • Phone Number
      • Tax ID


      • Address
      • Contact Name
    4. Select Save.

      Organisation information displays in a table on the Record Sub-Tiers tab. If location is editable, you can select the pencil icon in the table to make changes.

  4. Select an organisation.
  5. In the Service field, enter a description for the services the Sub-Tier provided.
  6. In the Contract Amount field, enter the total expected value of the Sub-Tier's contracted services.
  7. In the Current Payment field, enter a payment amount.

    If you are entering payment for a Statutory Declaration Only Sub-Tier (SD Sub), this payment amount will display on their statutory declaration when they are prompted to sign it. An SD Sub cannot manually change their payment amount so if this value needs to be updated later, you will need to update it on the SD Sub's behalf.

  8. Confirm that the amounts are correct, and select the Save & Continue button to progress to the next step of your Billing workflow.

    Note: The invoice is not submitted for payment until it is signed. Final invoices must be signed by the Subcontractor in order to be included in a draw.

Informational Fields

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Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024