I cannot claim or sign any documents

You may not have the correct user permissions or project roles to perform these actions. If you are an Enterprise or Local Administrator, you can review and update your user permissions on the User Profile. To claim, you need the Manage Projects permission. If you are managing compliance documentation you need the Manage Compliance permission. If you need to sign documents, you need the Sign on Behalf of the Company permission.

If your user permissions are correct, review the user permissions assigned to you for the project.

  1. From the Project Setup menu at the top of the Project Home page, select User Roles.
  2. On the User Roles page, ensure you have the following user role assigned to you, depending on which action you need to perform:
    • Project Manager: Assign or reassign project responsibilities, whether or not they are Administrators
    • Compliance Manager: Manage document compliance
    • Signer: Sign project documents on behalf of the company, including the progress claim.

    In order to claim on TPM, you need at least one user in your organisation assigned to each role.

    Note: Only Enterprise Administrators, Local Administrators, and users who were already assigned the Project Manager (PM) user role can assign user roles. If you are not an administrator or for your organisation or a PM for the project on TPM and you need to be assigned one of these roles, contact an administrative Textura user in your organisation or the project's PM for assistance.

  3. If you are already a PM or an Administrator, select the Signer user role to allow yourself to sign documents.
  4. When finished selecting your desired user roles, select the Save button.

Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024