Viewing and Editing Sub-Tier Supplier Tracking Values

You can view and edit the values submitted by your Sub-Tiers from the Supplier Tracking page.

  1. Navigate to the Supplier Tracking Page for Subcontractors
  2. Use the All or Pending Submission tabs to either view all Sub-Tier submissions or view a filtered list of Sub-Tier organizations that haven't submitted their values.
  3. Select Edit button from the Actions column.

    The Supplier Tracking pane is displayed. From the Supplier Tracking pane, you can view the previously submitted and rejected values.

  4. To enter a new value, select all applicable diversity statuses for your organization.
  5. Select Continue.
  6. When prompted, add certification documentation for each diversity value.
    1. From the section for a diversity status in need of a certification document, select the Attach Documentation button.
    2. Either drag and drop a document into the Drag and Drop section or select the section to use File Explorer to find your document.
    3. In the Document Name field, enter a name to define the document. This name will display in TPM when you view your documents associated with the diversity status.
    4. Enter the Start Date and Expiration Date for the document. When the certification document expires, you will need to upload a new one.
    5. Enter the certifying agency and certificate number in the available fields.
  7. Select Submit.


Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024