Updating Your DEI Values on the My Supplier Tracking Qualifications

To update your DEI Values on the My Supplier Tracking Qualifications page:

  1. Navigate to the My Supplier Tracking Qualifications Page

    The My Supplier Tracking Qualifications page displays.

  2. In the row for the General Contractor requiring an updated DEI status, select the Edit button.

    A pane named after that General Contractor opens on the right side of the page.

  3. From the pane, select one or more DEI values.

    You may see additional messaging for DEI values you already submitted if your certification expired, does not include a start or end date, or if the General Contractor rejected it.

  4. Select Continue.
  5. For each value, upload the necessary documentation.
    1. Select +Attach Documentation.
    2. Use File Explorer to navigate to your document.
    3. Select Open.

      Information about the selected document, including its name and who uploaded it, displays under the DEI value.

      Note: If your General Contractor added a DEI value on your behalf, you may see a value with a status of Overridden. You will also see a message stating the General Contractor added this value.

  6. Select Submit.
    • The pane closes and the updated value displays in the My Supplier Tracking Qualifications table.
    • The red Pending submission status next to the General Contractor's name will remain until the General Contractor reviews and approves your documentation.

Last Published Wednesday, September 4, 2024