Allocating a Variation

The Allocate Variation page shows one variation at a time. If a contract has more than one variation, the next variation will display on the Allocate Variation page after you save the first one.

To allocate a variation amount on the Allocate Variation page:

  1. Navigate to the Variation Allocation Page
  2. On the Allocate Variation page, enter an amount in the Allocate column for each line impacted by the variation. When you complete an entry, the amount displays in the Net Change By Variation total.
    • When the Working Total in the Allocate column equals the Total, the allocation is complete.
    • The Working Total amount matches the amount in the Allocate column heading.
  3. Optional. Add an additional line.
    1. Select the Add New Line button to add an additional line to the Work Breakdown for the variation.
    2. In the Allocate column for the new line, enter the variation amount you would like to allocate.

      Note: The new line also requires an Item Number and Description.

  4. Select Save Changes.

    A Status page confirms you allocated the variations.

Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024