Working with the Work Breakdown Page as a Subcontractor

Enter your project's budget on the Edit WB tab of the Enter Work Breakdown (WB) page.

Enter Work Breakdown for AUS SubcontractorsProject Roles for AUS Subcontractors new window link

Only users with the Project Manager role can edit a WB.

  1. Save Changes: Save changes you made on the page. When you select Save Changes, you will see a Status page, confirming changes were saved.
  2. Revert to Saved Button: Discards changes and returns the WB to the last saved version
  3. Period Context: Shows a message defining when the changes impact the project.
  4. Filter Components: Choose to view:
    • All: Displays all components
    • No Variations: Displays only non-variation components
    • Only Variations: Displays only variation components
    • Only Out of Balance: Displays only components which are out of balance

      Note: Variation components will display as collapsed tables when WBs have more than ten components.

  5. Contract Description: Acts as a label for the WB table.
  6. Edit WB Tab: Use this tab to modify the value for the line item.
  7. Edit Contract Tab: View and access subcontracts associated with the project, associate tax rates to a line, and change Self Performed status. If you engaged a Sub-Tier for this contract, you can assign them to budget lines here and change the Self Performance status.

    Do not make any contract level changes without speaking to your Head Contractor, or contact Oracle Support for more information.

  8. Edit Billings Tab: View and edit billed to date amounts. If you think you need to make any changes to Billing values, contact Oracle Support for additional information.
  9. WB Table: Contract components appear as individual line items. A Head Contractor's line item becomes a contract component in a subcontract. The name of the table matches the name of the component in the Head Contractor's Work Breakdown.

    Out of Balance components display with a red outline and always load in an expanded view.

    Use the available buttons to manage your project budget.

    • Add New Line: Adds a new line to the WB table. Your cursor will be in the new line. The active line displays in yellow.
    • Copy Selected: Adds a copy of the active line immediately below the original.
    • Delete Selected: Deletes the active line.
    • Browse: Displays a dialogue box to select a file from your device.
    • Upload New from CSV Button: Upload a file selected from your device into the WB table.
    • Download Example CSV File Link: Download a sample Excel file to your device to use as a template if you plan to upload a CSV file to use as your WB.

Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024