Edit Work Breakdown Fields Overview for Subcontractors


When a line item is subcontracted, the Subcontractor and Self-Performed budget lines are included under the work breakdown.

Select the + sign to see line item details associated with a work breakdown. If you select the + sign on one tab, it expands line item details on all tabs.

Select the sign to hide the line item details. If you select the - sign on one tab, it hides line item details on all tabs.

Item Number

An Item Number identifies the budget line items in a Work Breakdown. Lines are sorted by the first digit of the work breakdown. If your WB includes more than nine lines, use leading zeroes to sort items correctly.

For example: To ensure your line items sort correctly, use 001, 010, and 100 for 1, 10, and 100.


The Description defines the line item. This is the description that will appear on a progress claim for a line item. The character limit is 80 characters.

Last Published Monday, February 5, 2024