Creating Split Payments and Joint Cheques

Use the Edit Payment Status page to arrange a joint cheque to a Sub-Tier Subcontractor or Supplier. Joint cheques are created as split payments on the system.

You may also need to create a split payment to partially pay a Subcontractor or to reflect the Subcontractor was manually paid outside of the system.
See Creating Partial Payments.

Note: To create a split payment, a Subcontractor's progress claim must be approved. See Manage Claims.

  1. Navigate to the Edit Payment Status Page
  2. Under the Split Payments section, add the split payment details.
    1. In the Organisation field, enter the name of the organisation receiving a joint cheque.
    2. In the Progress Claim Amount field, enter the amount to pay the organisation. This amount will be paid by manual cheque.
    3. In the Date Paid field, select the calendar icon and choose a date from the dialog box.
    4. In the Cheque field, enter the number of the cheque used to pay the organisation.
  3. Select the Add button.

The Subcontractor's row changes:

A new row displays the split payment.

The Manage Period Payments page shows the split payment.

Caution: The Subcontractor is automatically on Split-Pay Confirmation Hold until the split payment is confirmed. The Subcontractor must agree to the recorded amounts before you can disburse the remaining EFT payment.
