Setting up Period Calendars

Use the Enter Period Dates page to set up a period calendar. You can add period dates individually or calculate dates for the entire project.

Note: Remember, the Period Calendar does not trigger the monthly claims period. Instead, the system sends an email reminder to the Project Manager the week before the selected date.

  1. Navigate to the Enter Period Dates page. Select Period Calendar under the Project Setup menu at the top of any project screen.
  2. To calculate Period dates:
    1. Enter a number into the Day of Month to set the recurring period date.
    2. Choose the Calculate Period Dates button. The system generates a list of period dates for the remainder of the project. If the Period date falls on a Saturday or Sunday, the date will default to the previous Friday.
  3. To add Period dates individually:
    1. Choose Add Period Date button. A calendar displays on the page.
    2. Select a date from the calendar.
  4. Select Save Dates.

    A Status page confirms the Period dates have been saved.


To delete dates, select the tick box next to the date you want to delete and select the Delete Selected button. The date is removed from the page.