Manage Variation Exports

Approved variations can be exported from the system into some ERPs. Please contact your implementation team if you are unsure if you can use this feature.

Exporting approved variations directly from the system into the ERP reduces double entry, and consistency between systems is maximised.

The Manage Variation Exports page allows you to view which variations are pending export and which have been previously exported:

Variations will be ticked as Exported automatically upon being exported to the ERP.

Re-Exporting Variations

If a variation is marked as Exported in TPM but is not in the ERP, it may need to be re-exported. Because variations marked as Exported are not included in any future exports it will not re-export automatically. Un-tick the required variation(s) as being Exported and save changes to include it in the next run export.

For further information on the variations listed (e.g. description, submitted value), see the Variation Register.