Editing TPA Project Settings

To edit Textura Payment Accelerator program (TPA) project settings:

  1. From the Project Home page, select Project Settings from the Project Setup menu.

    The Project Settings page displays.

  2. Select the TPA tab.
  3. From the Program Name drop-down list, select a program.

    The drop-down list includes all TPA programs you have set up with your Textura implementation team.

  4. Select the Auto Enroll Subcontractors setting to automatically offer enrollment in the selected TPA to all Subcontractors on the project.

    Note: If you select this setting for an existing project, Subcontractors are offered the option to enroll when either:

    • A new contract is accepted
    • A progress is signed on an existing contract.

      If you remove the setting from a project, Subcontractors already enrolled in the program continue to be enrolled. New contracts are not eligible for enrollment in the Textura Payment Accelerator program.

  5. Review and modify additional settings.
  6. Select Save Settings.
    • Status page confirms the project settings have been saved.
    • Additional TPA settings are shown on the TPA tab after you save the program selection.